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Monte in the media played by aiyanaa Lewis. Yeah I know this is a female. But hey I'm improvising! Now back to the uh....Story.


Cameo 💉💕:
You ready for the job?

Hell yeah I'm rdy to make 💸

Ard well Supreme is behind alley way near that old cafe.

Ard imma be there

Okay den

Ard ✌

I stuffed my cell phone in my pocket and started walking towards the alleyway.

Today is the day. We're gonna assassinate Lupito and his buddies. Afterwards we're gonna be making big bucks.

I've haven't been this nervous since I told that snake bitch my true gender.

Fucking hoe!

I still need to get that bitch back though.

Making it to the alley. I found Sean in a unknown range drover  just sitting there. He had a cigarette hanging from his lips and all black on.

I had on the same thing.

I had on the gang logo jacket,Black jeans,And some custom timbs Cameo had gotten me last year for my birthday.

They also gave me a face mask. All black.

Walking up to Sean he through his cigarette out the window and after pushing it in the ashtray. He could've just kept it there. In the ashtray. But hey his life. Not mine.

"I thought you was gonna bail"Sean said his voice deeper then normal.

I wasn't gonna lie. It was a sexy ass voice though.

"Hell no I aint bailing. I need stacks"I said nearly snarling at him.

"Alright remember kill the whole crew and you can take whatever you want"Sean smirked at me.

"Yeah I know. And what's with the fucking smirk?"I snap squinting my eyes.

"I think that your growing on me huh?"He smiled in victory as he opened the door for me

I scoffed before getting in and closed the door.

"Yeah right"I said as he put a beanie hat on my head.

"Yeah okay Salty Mcsalterson! Put that seatbelt on"He said.

"Your not the boss of me!"I fired back at him before buckling up my seatbelt.

"But you buckled up your seatbelt"He smirked at me as he buckled his up.

"Shut the fuck up before I merk you!"I yelled as he started the car as it revved up loudly.

"Yeah Yeah"He said as we sped off.


Making it to the abandoned building my heart was thumping out my chest.

It felt like it was trying to break out my rib cage.

I was nervous but excited at the same time. It's kinda like when your finally tall enough to get on the Superman. And you have anxiety and excitement coursing through your vains.

Also kinda feels like you gotta take a shit.

I got out the car and took off my seatbelt after unbuckling it.

"You ready?"Sean asked as he took off his seatbelt and getting out the car as well.

I nod. My hands were all clammy and sweaty and my mouth went dry.


I'm getting nervous.

But as Melanie Martinez said

'You already bought a ticket and there's no turning back now'

"State your purpose"The guard said.

"We're here to make a deal with Lupito"Sean said.

"Right this way"The guys voice was husky and all raspy like. It was like he smoked 8 cigarettes to get that right tone of voice

Shaking my head at the lame statement I just made we were in front of about 13 people.

One of those 13 people was Jelaya...

Imma have a good time killing her...

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