Twenty Seven

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"That went better than I thought it would"Lilya said pulling up to the garage. I nodded in agreement.

"Despite that nasty ass porn call we got. And the street shooters. And the car that we blew up"Lilya pointed out getting out the car.

Cameo came out and smirked at us "Glad to see y'all safe" Lilya walked up to him and smacked his shit in.

"Shut the fuck up nasty ass nigga!"Lilya  growled at him. Cameo laughed so hard that he fell to the ground.

"Are you big mad?"Cameo asked wiping his fake tears. Lilya nodded angrily. "I ain't want to hear you fucking Auroras brains out"She making a stank face.

Cameo laughed getting up "Well you ain't bout to be mad when you find out all that money is being split between y'all. 1,666,666.67$ each"

Lilya's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she literally popped open the trunk that revealed all the money. "You fuckin serious?"Lilya was shook.

When Cameo nodded Lilya grabbed a handful of cash. "Royalty go twerk for me"Lilya ordered.

I laughed and started twerking like Lilya asked. "Ayeeeee!"Lilya  threw cash on me. I looked over a Delaney  and she was just stuffing cash in her bag.


Delaney don't give a damn about anything. It's like her current mood is Fuck Everybody.

"Lilya is Delaney still not talking to you?"Cameo asked her.

I raised my eyebrow. Huh? It wasn't my business but I couldn't but be curious. Lilya smile faded "Nope and it's been six months"

That's when I decided I was just gonna go collect my pay. It wasn't my business and I was a harsh ass person but listening in on something that isn't my business ain't what I was about.

And after that I went home.



"Why won't you just talk to her right now?"Cameron offered as Delaney walked passed us.

I sadly looked at her retreating figure "She probably won't even give me the time of fuckin day"I looked at him.

"You don't even know that. Just go over there. Just use your charm or some shit"Cameron advised and shoved me over to Delaney who was still walking to her favorite spot.

I knew damn near everything about that girl. Her middle name. Her birthday. Her favorite Icecream flavor. The fact that she thinks that crust is the best part of eating pizza. Everything.

I trudged over to her and tapped her shoulder causing her to turn around quickly. I also knew that she was always high on alert.

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. As if she was saying 'What the fuck do you want?'

"Can't you just talk to me again?"I asked. She turned her back on me again. I tapped her again. "I'm serious! I said I was sorry millions of times! It's been fuckin six months and I miss you! I miss us"

She walked into a room and I followed behind her closing it behind me and locking it. I clasped my hands together and got on my knees "Delaney please!"I begged.

"Why?"Delaneys voice ranged through my ear. I looked up at her. Her eyes held that she was uninterested.

"Why what?"I questioned in confusion.

She sighed "Why the fuck were you even with her in the first fucking place?"Her hands on her hips.

I stayed silent.

"I WANT AN ANSWER GODDAMMIT!"She fumed. "You keep on claiming that you're fucking sorry but you can't even explain why the hell you were with her!"

She rolled her eyes "Get out"She huffed. As she took out her headphones.

"I'm not going anywhere"I retorted as took her headphones shoving them in my back pocket.

"Then I'll go"She shot back before trying to leave.

"Wait! Fine I'll tell you!"I stopped her. This is the most shes talked to me in six months and I couldn't just let her slip from my grasp again.

She looked at me and crossed her arms. "I was with her because she was going to murder me."I stated.

"What do you mean murder you?"She asked not buying anything.

"I didn't have the guts to kill myself Delaney! So I asked ha'. But she came onto me instead!"I blurted.

" wanted to kill yourself?"Delaney question hurt dazzled in her eyes. "Why?"

"Because! Depression got to me after my father died! I started driving recklessly hoping that would kill me! I started doing whateva' I could and its like I couldn't just kill myself."I explained. "And so I asked ha to do it for me. But instead she set me up! If I could go back in time and do it ova' again I would! I wouldn't want to ever risk losing you ever again"

Delaney wrapped her arms around my waist. "Why didn't you just tell me? I would've helped you recover."

"I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want you to get sad and pity me. But I just made you angry in the long run. Delaney I'm so sorry" I spoke as she snuggled her head into my chest.

"It's okay"

Lovey Dovey Shit 2.0
So uh Lilya suffered from depression and tried to get her ex girlfriend to kill her but she came onto her instead #plottwist

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