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"Shit,Shit,Shit!"I panic as I look through my clothes searching for the pants my pills were in.

I quickly shuffled downstairs. My mama was sitting on the counter sipping on some coffee. "Ma have you seen my pants?"I ask.

"They're in the washer Monte. I found some pills in the pants pocket. Explain that too me?"She said setting her mug down and jumping off the counter.

"They help me loosen up just some medication that's all mom."I said looking at her.

"Okay.....But promise you aren't do anything stupid"She said looking me in the eyes.

"I promise ma"I said.

"Good. Your meds are in the middle cabinet behind my nutella. And don't you fucking dare even think about eating my nutella. I will beat your ass"She said walking out the kitchen.

I climbed on to the counter and opened the cabinet door.

Pushing Mamas nutella aside I grabbed my pills and closed the cabinet. Afterwards I went upstairs.

I locked the door after entering my room and closing the door.

I dug into the plastic bag and took out two of the pills. I through my head back and tossed the two pills into my mouth.

"Ahhhh"I scream. It's a dragon in my room. Dragons aren't even real! What the hell?

I quickly escaped that awful barking Dragon and walked out of the castle of barking dragons.

Entering food land I saw a beautiful healing potion called Nutelista. I popped open the lid and stuck my hand into the jar.

Scooping the potion out I ate it. It was so fucking good.


"I told yo ass about eating my nutella. That shit is nice and smooth. And you had to ruin that. You're an asshole Monte you owe me two cans of Nutella" My mama said as she put the belt down.

Yes! My mama actually beat my ass. It was so bad that she forced me to getting into the bathtub so it would hurt as much with ice inside.

She's so caring but yet she isn't caring.
"I know I am sorry ma. I'll be sure to go to the store before I return home tonight"I said brushing my short curls out my face.

"No Monte tonight your eating dinner with us"I raised an eyebrow.

"After you get my goddamn Nutella."She said before picking her belt back up and walking oh the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes. I climbed out the bath shivering. I wrapped myself with the towel. I was shaking so bad somebody would give me a roll in a horror movie.

I walked out the bathroom as cold air hit me in the face. "That's also payback for eating my nutella"My mama yelled from her bedroom.

It was so cold I had to jog to my room. As soon as I entered Levi (my dog) ran up to me and started jumping up.

"You want to g-go for a walk"I chattered.

He turned his head in confusion. I walked over to the leash picking it up.

Which caused him to yelp around happily. "O-okay let me get dressed"I said.

I got into some skinny jeans. I try my best to wear male pants but the shape of my body won't let me fit in jeans like

And they said it was gonna be warm today. So I put on an oversized graphic t -shirt. Grabbing my bomber jacket and the attaching the leash to Levi. We went for a walk.

The dog park

I sat down on the bench and watched Levi play with some other dogs. Thank God I got him neutered. I don't need any puppies.

"Ay Monte!"Someone called my name.

Looking around I saw Sean. I rolled my eyes as he started walking towards me.
"What do you want Sean?"I said as he sat next to me.

"I can't come and talk to a friend?"He said tilting his head causing his curly hair to fall in his face.

"We're not friends"I said.

"Why are you so fucking snappy?! Like damn somebody try to talk to you and you get upset? No wonder why you don't have a nigga"He said getting up and storming off.

Ain't nobody ask you to talk to me in the first place you dick.

Oooooh Monte got his ass whooped by his mova. Wow do you love Montes Mama? I do.

Just wait till you meet his dad. Then I want you to tell me who you think is better.

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