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I had woke up. My body was on fire. My side was wrapped but I was in immense pain.

Looking to my right I saw Sean. He was sleep. His breathing was steady.

I sighed in relief.

He's okay.

I turned to my left and saw some pills and water.

Grabbing the pills I threw them in my mouth gulping some water down.

"Oh your awake"Zo said as he walked in.

"Yeah my side hurts like a bitch... Thanks for patching me up"I said looking him in the eyes.

Zo started getting flustered as he looked down at his toes.

"I-I-It wasn't a pr-problem M-Monte...It was as easy as pi"Zo said plastering as nervous smile on his face.

"Still I owe you one"I said.

He blushed even a deeper red "U-um maybe we can just go t-to eat somewhere"

"Sure whatever. Where's your boyfriend at?"I asked picking at my nails.

"Oh uh Jesse broke up with me for a female. Very dry crusty dirty ass girl"Zo growled out.

"Okay"I said awkwardly as I sat up a little straighter.

"I gotta go Zo my mama gon' kill me sense I didn't make it home last night"I said pulling the covers off my body and  planting my feet on the ground.

"O-Oh Okay well your I brought you some new clothes."Zo said smiling brightly.

Zo must think I'm stupid. He is using me as his rebound because he got dumped.

I don't trust his ass.

I got up wincing a little at the pain in my side.

I nearly limped as I walked into the bathroom finding new clothes on the sink.

I closed the door locking it behind me.

I undressed quickly and carefully. Grabbing the big thick white sweater that said 'Normal People Scare Me' I shoved it over my head.  Then I grabbed the jeans slipping them on carefully.

I grabbed the Uggs that they provided and slipped them on.

I couldn't find any socks at all.

I walked outside to see Aurora smoking a cigarette.

"Cameo wants you in the back"She said in annoyance.

"Thanks what's wrong with your salty ass?"I questioned.

She chuckled a bit "I miss my weed. I damn near got on my knees and begged for that shit."

I laugh at her.

"You're that addicted?"I said.

"No but I am addicted to see Cameo look like a mother fucking Taco"She said.

"Oh Aight"I said as  I walked into Cameos office.

"Aye Monte"Cameo said as he drunk some Starbucks coffee.

"Sup nigga"I said as I leaned against the wall.

"So Monte. I have a few gifts for you"He said to me.

"Okay and what is that"I said as he perked my interest.

"You can have that Range Rover. We don't need it. We got the plates changed. Either you can take it or we take it to the crash pit"Cameo offered.

I almost shitted my pants.

I need a car and this nigga was offering it to me. It's not like I don't mind walking or somethin' cause it ain't like that.

"Your serious nigga?"I said as I looked him directly in his eyes.

"Yeah I got the keys and all"He smirked at me.

"And I got it repainted"He said. "Got the seats cleaned from all that blood."He said then he started dangling the keys.

I shot off the wall and snatched those keys.

"Yeah nigga I want the range rover. Fuck you mean this is huge. I fucking need a car man. Thank you"I said.

"No problem nigga you a true rider"He said.

"Aight what else on the menu?"I said examining the keys.

"Pay"He said slapping 3 stacks of cash on the desk.

"That's your pay from me 60,000 dollars"He said before placing a duffel bag on the table.

"Your clothes,Your 300,000 and your 60k is gonna be in here"He said as he unzipped the bag stuffing my other cash in here.

"Spend it wisely nigga" He said before zipping back up.

"Now get the fuck out my office and go home before yo' mama beat your ass"Cameo said handing me the duffel bag.

I nearly fell. This son of a dick is heavy as fuck.

Placing it on my shoulder I turned and walked out.

Not before thanking my mans.

"Aight bye Aurora"I said waving at Aurora as I walked over to the fresh new painted red Range Rover.

"Bye when you come back I swear I'll be high!"She yelled as I put my stuff in the car.

"Stop saying that shit Babe!"Cameo yelled.

"Well I want a milkshake bitch!"She fired back.

"Then get a goddamn milkshake!"Cameo yelled a little louder.

They are the weirdest couple ever. I swear to dick tips and ass cheeks they were meant to each other.

My mama always told me not to swear to god so I don't.

Getting in the car I started it up.

I was in awe staring at the fresh new cleaned seats.

My mama is gonna beat my ass when I get home.

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