Forty One [M]

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Yep uhm It's early in the morning and I feel like updating
Also thanks for the votes and views they are greatly appreciated...
Still not sure if I should upload a new story....
Monte 🖤

Sean rubbed my legs as we chilled on my bed. Unfortunately the lead was false and we still had to do some investigating.

The worst part about being involved with illegal businesses we couldn't go to the police for any help. For all we know she could've been dead.

But I was hoping that Aurora was very much alive. "Monte?" Sean husky voice filled my ears.

"Huh-what?" Sean squeezed my thigh making me look at him. "You're zoning out baby boy relax"

Lately our lul' conversations revolved about me being stressed on find Aurora. I missed her she was my friend and I held respect for her mental ass.

"I-" my breath hitched feeling Sean breathe on my neck. This nigga knew just how to affect me. "Baby boy you need to chill out"

Next thing I knew Sean was hovering over me and I was flat on my back. His body in between my legs.

"S-sean now is not the time"I stuttered as he pulled down my shorts. Sean didn't respond too me as he proceeded to strip me out of my underwear exposing my whole lower half to him. My cheeks burned up as I covered my box.

"I know it ain't time fah dat..but you stressed out baby boy" He said removing my hands gently "Imma just make you feel good nothing special" I looked at him as he kneeled down in between my legs.

"S-Sean" I struggled to get out as he blew air on my essence. "Monte" he called out and I let my eyes meet his.

"I'm just gonna take some of that stress off you baby boy relax" I nodded letting him continue. My breath hitched as I felt his warm tongue send kitty licks to
my clit.

"S-sean wai-ouu fuck"I moaned arching my back as he worked his tongue like magic. I've never felt anything like this before. Pleasuring myself was always weird to me because I identify as a man.

Sean used his hand to hold me down as he tongue fucked me. "Mmh~" I gripped the bed sheets feeling the euphoric sensation.

Nearly whining I felt his thick fingers explore my insides. I covered my mouth as he hit a spot that shot sparks up my body. "D-Daddy I'm gonna cum" I whimpered.

It was embarrassing for me to act so vulnerable. But it still felt so good. It washed my worries away. It was like me and him in space together.

Sean didn't slow down his motions only moving faster pounding that same spot giving me that high just for it to fade away and immediately come back again"

I let out a loud moan as I creamed all over his fingers. Sean peeked his head up and made sure I watched him suck my juice clean off his fingers.

I was out of breath. I was worn out and we didn't do anything super serious yet. Sean looked at me with lustful eyes "Turn on your stomach" he ordered.

I didn't hesitate to do just what he told me. I turned around and he did the rest. He put me in a position I felt weird in.

I looked back as he whipped out his dick. Unable to see anything from the angle I turned back around. "If it hurt we can stop" he muttered. I would've added that I wasn't a virgin but now wasn't the time.

I nodded before I instantly stopped feeling his dick enter me without warning. I threw my head back in ecstasy. He gripped both sides of my waist and thrusted himself in and out of me.

I buried my face into the nearest pillow I could grab and let my moans pour our. "Nah-uh lemme hea you"He said breathily as he thrusted hard pounding in and out of me.

I choked on my spit as the overwhelming pleasure took my oxygen. I tried to form my words into sentences but the only thing I could do is drool.

Raising my hand I tried to push him back but he only pinned my arm and let his hard strokes slam against me and out again until I came yet again. Our moans were in sync as my walls tightened around his length.

I knew we were loud..and I sure as hell didn't give a fuck at this moment. He gripped my throat as he sped up and let out an exaggerated groan as he let out his load.

We untangled from each other after the rough sex we had just had. "Better?" he questioned rubbing my back.

"Mhm" I hummed closing my eyes snuggling closely to him.

I was distracted for now but who knew how long that would last.

It's damn near been a goddamn year 😂

I can not explain at all but I made up for it with a smut 🤪 you're welcome
This shit took like so many months to write like I started writing this chapter in May
Thanks for the support, I was a shit writer...imma write a new story super soon so yah it'll be a bit different so look out for it...and I will upload frequently now 💜💜💜🌚

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