Twenty Nine

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"You look great"Sean said from behind me. I fought the smile that tried to make its way on my lips and replied with a thank you.

I looked around to find Aurora and Cameron so I could avoid any kind of conversation. And of course those two little shits left me with him.

I made a fool out of myself in front of a nigga I just so happen to be crushing on. And after a whole entire month I still like him and he's complimenting me?!

I rolled my eyes to myself as I spotted Aurora grinding on Cameron with a bottle of open Smirnoff. Cameron was internally dying. I could tell,his hands were on her waist and he bit his lip meaning he was getting a hard. Aurora better stop before she gets paralyzed.

I just started walking to the bar sense I had no luck trying to go with Aurora. She was all grinding up on her daddy and I will not be apart of that. No way Jose bitch you thought.

I decided to wander off on my own and look for Aaron. Aaron was a pretty cool acquaintance of mine. He was gay too. He wasn't very feminine. But he was a pretty chill guy,and I think we need to hang out more.

I smiled in triumph as I found Aaron who was sitting with some friends around hookah. I strolled over to Aaron and spoke "Hey Aaron!"I smiled at him. He looked up at me and opened his arms for a hug "Hey!"He chirped. I gave him a hug.

"I didn't think you of all people would show up Monte!"Aaron grinned at me as he got up and waved off his friends.

I laughed. I'm usually never out. I stay in the house keep to myself. I go out to the garage and by drugs to use them in myself. To slowly kill me. But that wasn't me anymore. I'm hanging out with people hell even crushin on a nigga. Even though I'm still smoking like shit.

"I did though. Hope you ain't mad" I joked with him and he kissed his teeth "Neva that"

"Ronnie!"I nearly jumped when I saw a cute ass guy with curly hair pop up with another guy on his tail.

"Hey Lorenzo!,Hey baby boy"Aaron smiled at the two. Aaron and Lorenzo I'm assuming the one with the tattoos did they little bro shake or whatever. I never understood why us niggas do that shit. Like what ever happened to y'all waving and getting on with y'all lives?

The other boy who's still remains unknown to me pecked Aaron on the lips and I winked at Aaron causing him to roll his eyes while a blush evaded his cheeks. The other boy was Identified as baby boy to Aaron but I refuse to call any nigga baby boy or let any nigga call me baby boy other then my mama and she don't even be doing that either way.

"Who's this girl?"He asked and I almost punched him. I'm sorry I know I look feminine but I can't help it. I got my mothers genes...

I let out a breath of air and unclenched my fist. I'm a whole ass nigga minus the pussy and the pretty face. I was born a nigga and it's gonna stay that way. I ain't have anything against trans men and women never that. But I just identify as a male even though down my pants it scream FEMALE!

"Monte is a boy Julian"Aaron shook his head. Julian I assumed eyes widened as he looked at me "I'm sorry I didn't know!"He apologized again and again. But I dismissed it saying it was okay. Kind of feeling bad that he felt bad. Even though it was his mistake.

Lorenzo just laughed. He was fine as shit. From head to toe. I know I had a crush on Sean but come one this is most like once in a life time eye candy.

"What's funny"I implored (Woahhh big words 😂) challenging him. Lorenzo looked down on me with a smirk. "Nothin don't worry about it shawty"

I scrunched my nose up at the nickname. Nobody finna call me shawty: "Nah son Shawty is what I don't roll with"Lorenzo let it another laugh. "Yeah okay shawty see you around"He grinned before smirking and winking right behind me and walked off.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to see Sean glaring at Lorenzo's dark silhouette that faded into the crowded of sweaty bodies dancing while the music blasted.

Somebodies jealous. I smirked to myself

Monte 1 Sean 0

I was still confused why he was jealous of Sean. It's two possibilities. I'm not one of those idiots that question the obvious like does he like me type shit?

The first possibility is that nigga is feeling me but can't really figure it out despite fucking all them girls.

The second one is that Lorenzo and him don't even fuck with each other and now that Lorenzo and I was talking he got mad.

I wasn't going to be too bold and say the first one but I ain't gonna say it's not a possibility. I'm just gonna say it's both for now.

Once he stopped glaring his eyes met mine and my little cocky smirk before he turned away and walked off.

Monte 2 Sean 0

Monte 2 Sean 0

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Julian 🔝

It's pretty late and I'm on the edge of passing out but here you go sorry I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I got distracted so I'm sorry 🤕. I've been pushing myself to update sense it's been such a long time and I've finally got back into writing this. I hope you enjoyed it and I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes. I've been seeing a lot of votes in my notifications and a lot of people adding my story to their reading lists. I honestly appreciate it! Even though a lot is changing and I'm doing a little restructuring and the story isn't moving fast enough I'm very grateful!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Good night 💫

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