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Sean 🔝

Monte 🔝

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Monte 🔝

I sat up in my bed and immediately winced at the headache that pounded in my head. When did I even get home?
I didn't remember did I really get that drunk?

I got up careful not to trip over any boxes that surrounded my room. My pounding headache caused me to stumble around a bit but I made it to the bathroom and grabbed some painkillers.

After I took those I stumbled back to my room and plopped on my bed.
"Ow!"A deep scruffy tired voice groaned out. I immediately ran over to my nightstand and grabbed my gun aiming it at the body that was rising from my covers.

My eyes widened when I saw Sean appear from out of the covers. Like my heart sunk to the pit of my ass. "Put the gun down Monte relax"He stretched out.

I lowered my gun "What are you doing in my house? In my room?"I squeaked out my throat was fucking dry. When did he even get here? Did we do anything? Ohhh shit if we did something I'm throwing myself out that damn window. Like I'm scuba diving out the window.

"You got real intoxicated so I took yo ass home. Then when I was got finished changin your clothes and I got up to leave but you latched on my arm askin me too stay and so I did"He explained.

I nodded before looking down in horror seeing that I was changed into one of my favorite oversized T-shirts and no pants underneath. He changed me?! "Don't even freight Monte I ain't touch you like that"He laughed at me as a blush evaded my cheeks. I plucked him in the face.

"Fuck you,you can leave now"I fired back. It wasn't funny any person would think somebody would take advantage of them while they were changing them.

Sean stretched once more before questioning me "How many times are you gonna kick me out of here?"

I rolled my eyes "As many times as I want bitch" I know a lot of people are nice to their crushes but I remain me. Except the fact that sometimes my stomach flutters when he winks,smirks or laughs at me.

"Yeah but today I ain't bout to leave right away after you so rudely woke me up"Sean said kicking his feet up and pulling out his phone.

I raised my eyebrow. "Uh yeah you are leaving right away! Now get up!"I ordered pulling at his arm. Now obviously I'm not that strong compared to Sean so instead of me moving his arm I lost my grip and stumbled back.

I huffed before raising my fist threatening to punch him if he didn't leave. "You bet not lay a finger on me you don't want a repeat of what happened last time"Sean glanced at me .

I immediately looked away as I recalled how wet I was when he tackled me with anger in his eyes. Still don't understand how the hell I got so turned on. Maybe it was because I haven't had sex in a long while. Since the beginning of high school people saw me as a girl and that's what I identified as to avoid bullying. So I lost my virginity during junior year, I was 16. But after I came out to the deceased bitch Jelaya and she told everyone, the boy who fucked me jumped my ass just like everyone else did. So I have been pleasureless since junior year of high school.

Sean laughed "Damn Monte you scared of me? What happened to old mean Monte?"He asked putting his phone on his chest and looking at me.

"Nothing at all Sean"I retorted before sighing in defeat realizing that he actually was going to stay. I really needed to get packing soon though. I was leaving in three days. I needed to get off my ass.

I grabbed an empty box and went into my closet aware that Sean was eyeing me. I tried not to go complete insane as he stared me down and luckily I didn't. "Hey if you're going to stay the least you can do is help me pack nigga"

"For what?"He questioned stretching as he stood up.

"You see the boxes? They are labeled for a reason pick a box and pack up my stuff for me please? I'm movin out"I explained before plucking hoodies and jackets off the hangers and folding them.

Sean obliged without anymore complaints and grabbed a box. I didn't really bother to check what box he picked up but he picked one. So while he was packing whatever he was packing. I continued to pack my hoodies.

"Lace? Monte who knew your ass wore such lewd panties?"Sean commented. I nearly froze in horror as I turned around slowly a bape hoodie still in my hand and looked at the box he was working on feeling.

A box  with the letters UnderClothes Written in sharpie. I nearly choked on my spit as a blush evaded my cheeks. "Really nigga? You had to choose that box?!" He smirked "I picked a random box. You told me to pick A box you didn't choose one for me"He dangled the lace underwear in the air.

I sighed in annoyance and reached for it. "They are not lewd! And give me back my panties nigga!"I fired back as I jumped for them. "Damn you short as fuck Monte"Sean laughed handing them back to me. I snatched them out of his grasp and threw them in the box with my bras and panties.

"Work on another box!"I snapped at him the blush still turning me into a whole red ass ball.  "Can't Monte I'm finished. I saw all your lil lingeries,lace panties and bras"He smirked at me.

Me and Melahni need to talk about her buying me this shit. Like since when did I ever purchase lingeries? I rolled my eyes before pointing at that tape trying to get off the topic "The tape is over there please tape the box closed"I said before literally running to my closet to consider packing my hoodies. Like I literally zoomed out the bitch. I didn't want to be apart of the conversation.


Why out of all boxes..he chooses that one?


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