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"So Monte you seeing anyone?"Zo asked his eyes twinkling as he hopped around Dave and Busters.

"No Zo. I don't want anyone right now"I said as I walked over to the gift store.

He looked taken back but he plastered a fake smile across his face. Wiping his eyes a bit, he said "I have to use the bathroom. You can have my tickets"

He then started jogging to the ladies room.

I don't understand him at all. How the hell do you get dumped and use someone you barely even know as a rebound?

The thing is I don't like anyone at all. It's so damn pointless. Why would you need someone to love you? Cause one day somebody is gonna stop loving you.

And no matter how successful you are and how healthy and smart you are. You're gonna die. And you and your loved one would forget about each other. It's pointless.

Rolling my eyes at his unnecessary outburst I went in the gift shop and got me a Ps4. Finally now when I move out I'll have something to do.


Zolans POV

I jogged to the bathroom in tears. Why wont Monte just tell me the truth?

I don't understand! He's lucky to have my beautiful self it doesn't make any sense how he doesn't feel attracted to me.

I dug in my little monkey bookbag. I dug for some tissues until a paper fell out of the bag.

Pausing to pick it up I read the card.

We get rid of all evidence!
To get your companion or enemy captured

A sinister idea popped into my head. I shouldn't do it. I won't do it. I looked at my cell phone then back at the paper.

It's not that bad he's just gonna be in my home. It's not like I'm gonna kill him.

Well that's only if he doesn't break my heart. Monte is my baby and if he doesn't come through soon I'll have no choice but to kill him.

I swiped up my phone before dialing



Back to the more sane Monte

Me and Zo walked outside. Zo was all perky and prancy. I wonder what happened in the bathroom. He probably met someone.

I swear that guy moves on so fast. What a homie hopper.

Rolling my eyes at his prancy state as I got in my truck. I still can't get over the fact that Cameo gave me such an awesome fucking truck.

As we drove Zo turned on the connected his phone to the USB in my truck.

This ass didn't even ask.

I don't like Zo for this very reason. He's always bubbly but behind closed doors he's a little devil. He thinks the whole world revolves around him. He expects everyone to love his ass. But news flash sweetie this world is cruel. And if you act like a complete ass bump nobody would want you.

Rolling my eyes I unplugged his phone from the usb cable.

"Hey!"He screams.

"It's my car nigga don't make me throw your ass out"I glared at him.

He glared back before smiling creepily to him self.

"I'm sorry Bon-Bon"He said climbing over to me. His face was so closed to mine it felt like flies on shit.

I need my space.

"Whatever just ask next time damn"I said as I tried to back away while keeping my eyes on the road.

He placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Your so very sweet"He smiled as he sat back down putting his seatbelt back on.

I never even saw him take the damn seatbelt off!

I wiped off the kiss. I don't need his Perkyalitis all over me like the fuck?

He frowned and tried to kiss me again.

I dodged and hit the breaks. This boy just won't give up will he.

"I'm gonna take you home aight'?"I said causing him to pull a puppy dog face. My actual dog was cuter then Zolan. Like that wasn't an achievement your regular face is better then that wack ass puppy face.

(No hate tho' I actually think India is suck a goddess)

"Whyyyy? Let's go back to the garage"He whined.

So fucking childish. I don't get why my brother wanted kids. It doesn't make any sense. They are such a handful christ.

Groaning I made a U-turn. "I'm taking you to the garage I'm taking my truck back at my house."

I sped down the street. I was so frustrated.

No wonder why his boyfriend dumped him. I'm not being rude or nothing but forreal he is so irritating.


I made it back to the Garage after dropping off my car.

Zolan shot off the couch pulling a mask off his face as I walked in kissing me once again on the cheek. He smile before putting his mask back up.

Sean looking shocked along with Cameo. Aurora was in Cameos arm sleep.

Let's all say goals together!

I shoved Zolan off me once again.

"Stop kissing me I don't like you"I said glaring at him.

"If your that desperate go on Tinder"I spat wiping off the kiss.

His eyes started tearing "Fucm choo" his mask was still on. But I knew what he was saying.

"Fucm Choo too"I mocked as he stormed out of the garage.

It was harsh but if someone that fucking irritating kept pressuring you into liking them you'd be pissed to.

We were all chilling when a smoky substance flew into the building.

Sean immediately passed out along with me and Cameo.

What the hell is happening?

Zolan is crazy and He's gon full yandere

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