Thirty Three

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I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "This isn't a joke?"I asked looking at the my still untouched food before looking at him "You actually like me?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes "I'm not one to joke around about liking people Monte"

I couldn't fight off the smile that made its way on my face. A blush evaded my cheeks. "Well why didn't you tell me?"I was happy but I couldn't help but ask that question.

Sean chuckled before replying "You blocked me remember"I nodded. Oh right...

"I like you aight? So you don't have to go pinching yourself thinkin you're dreaming cause I can assure you that you're not"Sean said before he picked up another one of his fries and ate it.

I smiled at him and my hands under the table unraveled. I was about to pinch them but he stopped me.

"We can talk more about it later but go head eat before your food gets cold"Sean ordered.

Yes daddy.

Wait wait wait what the hell did I just think?! Daddy?! Get it together Monte. Why all of a sudden now that I know he likes me I'm being kinky?!

He smirked at me "Daddy?" I huffed I have got to stop blurting shit like that. Instead of answering him I just started eating my food. He laughed whole heartedly before winking. With that we both just enjoyed our meals.


"Sean let it go"I snapped at him. Sean laughed before replying "What happened to calling me Daddy Monte?"He smirked at me. Sean still won't leave me alone about me accidentally calling him Daddy. It wasn't even that deep.

"Shut up"I seethed he laughed louder before pulling up to my house and taking the keys out of the ignition. "Alright Monte well I promised that I was gonna leave if you are with me."Sean smirked at me and I think I might of gotten a little turned on there.

"So Imma get going thanks for joining me. And calling me Da-"I cut him off. "So what does this mean?"I asked. He looked at me in confusion "What does what mean?" I sighed this dumb nigga.

"I mean what does this mean! Like I like you you like me what does that mean? Will we be a thing are we a thing? like nigga please let me know."I rambled on.

Sean shrugged at me. This nigga. "I don't know you wanna be a thing or something?"He asked looking me in my eyes.

Blush evaded my cheeks as I looked down at my feet "I-I mean I don't know...maybe?"I looked at him. "Aight then ask me out then"He smirked.

"Will you go out with me?"I asked hesitating at first. He smirked "First you gotta call me Daddy again." I huffed of course there's always a catch.

"Will you go out with me Daddy"I seethed and he smiled and me before replying "I would love too go out with you Monte. So glad you asked!"

I rolled my eyes secretly jumping around on the inside. I couldn't be more fucking happy inside and... slightly turned on with all the smirking and daddies going around.

Road work ahead? Uh yeah I sure hope it does

Um yeah that happened.

Wooh they are together now and trust me this isn't it I don't know how long the story is gonna go on It might stop at fifty or sixty or maybe even forty who knows 😆

I definitely don't want to end the book without any *cough* explicit content *cough* *cough*

I hope you liked this chapter dont forget to vote follow and comment for more! Bye ❤

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