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--3 months--

"Monte! What did I tell you about smoking in my damn house?!"My mom shouted from downstairs.

I knew I should've bought some Nutella and candles. I rolled my eyes and continued to count my cash. Another cigarette hanged from my lip. My window cracked opened.


I tied my 80th stack of money on the side. Before you knew it my mama busted straight into my room.

She ignored the money but her eyes were focused on the cigarette that was in between my lips. "Monte! What did I tell you about smoking in my house!"She said.

"I'm sorry ma!"I said. She marched up to me and yanked me up by my ear. "Ahh shit ma!"I wince. "I said I was sorry let go!"I said struggling to get from her grip.

"Stop smoking in my house!"She fired back before letting go and walking out my room.

I sighed in annoyance before I closed the door locking it this time before continuing to count all my money.

I need to move out here before my mama end up beating me colors that haven't even been discovered.

I looked over soon realizing I dropped my cigarette. I pushed it into the ashtray after picking up the cigarette.

I continued to count my money until I got a text. I glanced over at the notification seeing that Aurora had texted me.

I typed in my password and opened the text message.

Cameo got a Doggy and we're voting on a name. Cameo and Supreme voted on Uranus and Me and Delayney voted on Neptune. You're the ty breaker!

I thought for a second before typing in my answer.

Neptune. The dog ain't bout to be named after an anus

Yasssssssssss 😂😂😂

After that interruption I continued to count my money until I was done. 1,000,000. That's some good money. My first heist I made a million.

When I was finished I stuffed the money in my drawer along with my gun. Levi yipped as he heard my footsteps. "Hey boy want to go meet the new dog?"I questioned.

Levi turned his head in confusion. I opened my book bag and he eagerly jumped in. I grabbed the house keys and made my way downstairs.

"Where are you going?"My dad said as he started preparing some chicken.

"To the Garage I'll be back"I said before leaving.


When I made it to the Garage I saw a cute baby husky prancing around. So this is Neptune?

He was almost as cute a Levi. "BURPY!"Aurora shouted causing Neptune to jump a little.

"Hey Babe"I said Aurora she nearly laughed at that.

"Hey doggy the like? I mean Like the doggy?"Aurora said a goofy grin plastered across her face as always This season Aurora changed her hair color to Aqua blue. It still looked beautiful.

I rolled my eyes once again before unzipping my bag letting Levi fully out.

He yipped around and as soon as he spotted Neptune they started wrestling and playing. It was adorable.

"Aye' Nigga what's good"Cameo said as he put down a bowl of dog food causing both Neptune and Levi to race to the bowl.

"You brought lil Levi?"He questioned as he planted a kiss on Auroras cheek.

"Yeah why don't you call me by my nickname?"I questioned. Aurora had one but they call her Aurora because she's Aurora you can't even change that. As soon as somebody say "Silly high girl with the colorful hair" You just know it's Aurora. Now with me it's like "You know little boy with a vagina and got some nice ass curly hair" They shake they head in confusion.

"Because yo nickname wack and salty!"Cameo said as he turned on the tv to Rick and Morty.

I plopped down right next to the couple causing Levi to stop eating and prance to me and jump into my lap as if he were a cat.

"That's not true nigga!"I said.

"Yeah it is!"He argued.

"Then what do you suggest then huh?"I question.

"I got names for days, Ace of Spades, Royalty,Mask anything"He said as he turned up the TV.

"Fine. I like Royalty"I said.

"As in Royalty princess?"He said.

"Yeah nigga are you slow?"I said

"Aight den'..."Cameo said.

Royalty that's lit.

"Wait a minute where the hell is Sean?"I said soon realizing Sean wasn't here.

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