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Damian's POV

Grayson and Anders were on a mission and so had requested for their spawn, Mar'i Grayson to stay here. Much to my disapproval, father had allowed it. The Grayson spawn and I didn't like each other one bit. We always ended up in physical fights whenever we came into contact with each other. So I can't say I wasn't surprised when she came knocking at my door in the middle of the night.
When I opened the door I glared down at the 6 year old girl clutching onto her teddy dog so hard if it were real it would be dead , " Grayson Spawn,  what do you want?"
"Uncle Dami, I- I had a nightmare and you're the only one home tonight could I- could I please sleep here tonight?"
"First of all don't call me Uncle Dami , My name is Da-mi-an," I sounded it out slowly, already closing the door,  "and no you cannot sleep here surely you could survive one night-"
"Please,I won't be any trouble I promise. And I won't kick you or anything. I just don't wanna sleep alone tonight. Please Damian." Her bright green eyes shone with innocence and hope. I tried my best to look away to reject her,  but I couldn't.
I groaned, "Fine, but I'm not having that thing in my room.",I pointed at the stuffed animal.
Her eyes lit up and she hugged me, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
I stayed stiff,"Urgh,  don't make me regret this Grayson Spawn."
She let me go and flew back to her room to leave the teddy dog.
I climbed back into bed wondering when I had gotten so soft.
She flew back into my room.
"Should I close the door?",  she asked.
" Yes."
She did , then flew to the left side of the bed and slipped inside. She pulled the blanket to her neck and turned to her right side. I could tell she was really tired by the way her eyes fluttered.
She turned over, " Goodnight, Dami"
"-tt- don't call me that." I turned over and slept.
I was a very light sleeper,  so when Mar'i began to writh in her sleep I immediate woke up. I looked down at her. She had managed to tangle herself in the blanket and she mumbled things ,most incoherent, but I did catch the phrase,  "please don't die I need you."
I sighed and attempted to wake her up, "Mar'i!"
I shook her and she woke with a jolt, her eyes glowing dangerously. She blinked a few time as if only now recalling where she was and the purple light faded. She turned to me, "Damian, " tears began to fall down her cheeks and she hugged me.
She shook as she cried.
"Ssshhh...",  I cooed, with unknown compassion.
" My -my parents..."
"They're okay. They'll come back."
Her crying seemed lessen and she took a deep breath and calmed down, " I'm sorry I woke you up I'll go back to my room now."
She was about to leave but I grabbed her hand,  "No,  you should stay here the nightmares aren't gonna stop anytime soon."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded and she crawled back into the bed this time snuggling up to me and instead of pushing her away I put my arm around her and held her tight," Don't worry Mar'i just go to sleep."
"Hey you called me by my name.", she sniffed.
I batglared at her and she immediately shrunk away.
I sighed, " Just go to sleep."
I felt her relax and eventually her breathing evened out and she was asleep again.
I sighed as I watched her sleep for a little while,  her face calm and peaceful, her curly black hair falling over her face, her small body breathing against mine.
I leaned down, moved some hair away from her face and kissed her forehead,"Goodnight , Mar'i"
And I fell asleep watching her.
From that night Mar'i and I started to get along better we became closer. I grew to care for her....a lot.

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