Chapter 7

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Today is a day off, no school to attend and nothing to do till the examination week. I took a shower and got dressed in jeans short and off white shirt. I stood in front of my mirror; my hair was fiery red it fitted my gray eyes perfectly, my hair was untamed right now. I started brushing my hair. now that it is brushed I leaned towards my drawer to grab a hair tie then I thought better of that, I let my hair down in case I went outside. then went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Jenna" I said

"Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" she asked

"Nope, about that.. did you see red lighting last night?" I asked

"No, you must have been extremely exhausted to see RED lightning" Jenna replied with a genuine smile.

We fell silent and she started making coffee and I went to prepare breakfast.

I thought of what Jenna said about me being exhausted, I was fully awake when I saw that. Well let's add that to my freak events. We sat at the kitchen table to eat.

"I am going out" I said standing up.

"Where to?" Jenna asked amused, I must allow her that I don't usually go out that early.

"To the library, then to the pastry, I will get you that cake you love. I won't be late"

She nodded and gave me a hug. I took my jacked and keys and left.

Something happened yesterday. I thought, I have that feeling deep down in my stomach that today will bear the result of what happened yesterday. But what happened? I don't know, I rubbed my temples while walking. I have been wrestles the last few days, I couldn't sleep well let alone what happened at school and my birthday events. I have always been the weirdo in school; strange things always happened near me, actually very close to me, it was like I was the reason for them all.

I was always the girl who kept her hair down; everyone either feared me or hated me. I remember one day I was climbing a very tall tree, I was used to climbing high trees I never feared it, well I was on top of the tree when a mean boy through a rock at my head and ran, it hurt so much that I started falling off, I was sure to die because of this but I landed on my feet like I was jumping two stair steps but I was on a very tall tree and I was about ten meters above the ground. No one saw this or noticed how weird this, for a child to fall all of this without even breaking her legs, except Jenna.

She raised me and she saw many freaky things in me but she never gave me up even though one time she had to pick me up from the police station for I have behaved badly with an officer, I beat the crap out of a kid who bothered me then when a man came to pull me off the boy I accidentally punched his face and unluckily he was an officer.

It was a normal incident yet Jenna never complained. I always think she is the only constant truth in my life.

I reached the library, once I entered I found it empty except for two old couples each holding a book and reading.

I never really came to the library with something in mind; I just pass along the shelves and admire the books until I feel the strong pull from the book. I've always believed that books choose me not the other way around.

But not this time, today I'm here to search, to find anything that I can relate to.

"eooohh!!" I cried. I didn't see that coming I tripped on a stair step that I didn't know existed and I was falling face forward on a staircase that I didn't even know they existed at all. Just before my face hit the staircase something pulled me from by bag that was hanging on my back which got torn apart, and I fell on my arms rather than my face. Luckily me!

"OH GOD!" I mumbled while trying to stand up. I haven't been to the library for a year and I'm quite sure they made some modifications in this library.

I was curious to know what held my bag and I was shocked to find out who did. A man, no a boy around my age was standing with a piece of my bag in his hand.

"I don't think you need this anymore." He said throwing the little piece on the floor. He had reddish brown hair that was the length of his neck and ocean blue eyes, he was very pale but handsome and I know I've seen him before.

"Thank.." I started thanking him but he rudely cut me off "Next time, look where you're going" he said with an expressionless face, then turned around and moved away.

I froze in my footsteps, I remember him, I've seen him a few times or maybe only once but I feel like I know him.

What I remember is that I've seen him last year on my fifteenth birthday, he picked a fight with one of my colleagues who happened to be one of Megan's lot, in the town's café.

Me, Jenna and Rina my only friend were kind of celebrating my birthday when this boy punched Tony, Megan's friend and broke his nose. Jenna paid the bill and ushered us out, and this boy was watching us, I made eye contact with him and he didn't look down, usually making eye contact with strangers creates embarrassment which leads to looking away. But no he didn't look away he stared in a strange way then gave me the same expressionless face I had a few moments ago.

I am not sure who's this guy but I'm quite sure I there's something about him very unsettling and mysterious.

I mind slapped myself to concentrate on the matter at hand which was searching about 'magic', yes, if I can relate to it then maybe I can understand something, anything.


salam alikum guys

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