Chapte 16

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I decided to make the best of my time with Jenna. I took an oath not to make her mad or bother her this week. When I was not studying I sat with her, Chatting, cooking and playing games.

The week came to an end. It was time for me leave Jenna for a little while. I hated that I didn't tell her the truth, hated that with every fiber in my body with every shred of humanity in me. I have never lied to Jenna before, the first time I did was a week ago when I told her I was staying with Rina when in fact I wasn't.

Mare filled me in about the assassins but she spared me details,  but I didn't fear them, 

I only feared for Jenna, what if any harm comes to her because of me? What if they took her away from me? How will I survive without her? Knowing about the assassins relieved me a little from the guilt of lying to her for I believed that the less she knows the less danger she's in, however during this week I had the feeling that the more she knew the better she can protect herself if I am not there, but still ignorance can sometimes be a bliss.

This life I live or started to live lately should not be Jenna's, she shall not suffer or be troubled because of me, not now and not ever. Right now, it might seem ok, that my life is yeah weird but ok, but I have this feeling nudging me ever since I met Mare and Zander, telling me that things might go terribly wrong. And I did not wish that upon Jenna.

I can see she knows, I am hiding things from her. I will do my best to keep her well and safe even if it meant that I will feel guilt for a long, long time but I hope there's another way around. I prayed God to help me.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Rina coming, I was waiting for her to talk before the exam and luckily, she was just on time as always.

Rina strode towards me with a queen's grace her khaki descent maxi dress made her look tall and here slim shape made her look as exquisite as ever.

Oh! Rina I thought it would be easy to hide things from you but no it's making my guilt already doubled,

 I wish to tell you everything but I have the same fear of harm coming to you added to that I'm afraid you'll hate me if you see what I can do. I'm afraid to lose the only person who easily penetrated every wall I have built around myself. Will you call me an abomination if you ever know the truth? Will you run away screaming or wish you had never met me before. My one and only friend, I don't know where life is taking me but I wish that you and Jenna are with me, but if being with me will mean endangering both of you, then I'll do my best to keep you both out of harms reach.

Rina came and gave me one of her sisterly hugs and I held tight to her crushing her into my bear hug.

"Why do you look at me this way?" she asked me, lifting an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just missed you my friend" she smiled and that and put her hand around my shoulder as we walked around.

"So, I will be away for a while from tomorrow but we'll talk everyday ok?" I said praying she wouldn't push this any further but I know she would.

"Where are you going, are you guys travelling?" she asked clueless.

"it's going to be just me. Jenna is staying here" I Replied.

"Where are you going?" she asked and I could see concern all in her eyes.

When I didn't reply. Rina assumed the worst.

"Are you sick? Do you take drugs? Are you going to rehab and you don't want me to know?" she asked her face was red from the emotions that erupted in her

"None of those don't worry, I will call daily" I said smiling at her, Rina knows she'll get nothing out of me so, she decided to wait until I come clean, I loved this in her. She doesn't push me ever.

"Let's go my crazy friend will be late for the exam" Rina said and I groaned. And we both laughed at my reaction.

Todays' exam was mathematics, it was good. I was trying to solve a question when my pen turned slightly cold, and the tip of the pen just held a tiny butterfly made from ice. And I couldn't help but laugh, it was a message reminding me that today I will train oh Zander!

I thought about melting the butterfly but as I have no idea how to control myself, I feared that I might burn the class and my colleagues.

The teacher heard my laugh and decided to kick me out. She made me finish the test on a desk outside the class. Rina smiled at me on my way out and I just grinned at her but no one noticed thank god, this desk is meant for people who cheat; but I don't care. I don't cheat, and the teacher can think whatever she like, it's the last day at school and I just want to enjoy one day of school

I returned home, packed a bag filled with clothes and all the things I might need. Mare's supposed to pick me up so I had to be ready.

Jenna came into my room and sat on my bed while I packed.

"I know you are not going to a camp" she said and I froze my action as her words fell on me like chilly water. Of course, she knows, I really can't hide anything from her!

"I'm not running away or eloping Jenna " I faked a smile but she didn't return it.

"Come clean,  Arya" she said and I sat down next to her.

"where are you going" I thought about not answering her question but I couldn't just leave her like this. So, I decided to be as honest as I can with her, she doesn't deserve this.

"Somewhere with Mrs. Mare" I answered. She raised an eyebrow at me but I looked at her willing her to understand.

"Who's she?" she asked

"Someone who could help me" I replied.

The look of hurt in her eyes hurt my soul and I tried to tell her more.

"look, you knew from the beginning I am not like other children, but you never made me feel different. I promise you one day I will explain everything, but I need to go to find out more about me. You raised me, you know me. I will never hide anything from you, but I can't explain now. For now, I won't go very far from you, I'll call you and I'll even meet you when I can, I just need you to take care of yourself and trust me, do you trust me mum?" I finally said.

Jenna's eyes were watering but she held it in not allowing tears to fall.

"I do, and I believe your words and I have always thought that you, being different makes you special Arya" she paused and hugged me " you weren't at Rina's last time, am I correct" I smiled and nodded.

"Mare?" she asked and I nodded again.

"When you are ready, come and tell me everything ok?"

"ok, mum " I kissed her forehead and hugged her. At least now I can go without guilt, she knows enough for now.

The doorbell rang and I thought it would be Mare but I was surprised to see Rina standing on the front porch holding a flower pot.

I didn't have to say 'Come in' because she knows it's her home.

"What's this?" I asked as she handed me the flower, it was roses, beautiful pink roses.

"Zumoruda" she named the flower smiling, "Take care of yourself and her, as it grows our friendship will grow and if it dies, our friendship will still grow," she completed. 

I put the flower aside and caught her in a bear hug, I know I am over reacting maybe but I feel like I might be forced to stay away from her and Jenna for a while and it might sound like I'm saying goodbye but no, it's just the beginning.


salam alikum, every one. Arya's going to start her training!!! 

 things are going to be more interesting i hope :)

if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment, your opinion matters to me :)


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