Chapter 5

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That day the sky was filled with clouds and the weather was a little bit windy but it was beautiful. Well it was not a perfect day, the darkness that filled the lands overshadowed everything that might be considered good or beautiful. The darkness that annihilated beauty was very powerful that it made the most beautiful palace in Manarek look gloomy.

The northern palace has always been the best palace in Manarek for it had the structure that gave you the impression of, fearful strength and beauty; the walls were made with exquisite creativity and talent. However, the palace was the worst place at that moment, for the sovereign of Manarek was breathing its air and walking along its corridor. Since he and his crowd set their feet on its ground darkness spread in its air like a plague. And so, every soul that served the royalty was either as bad as he is or the victims of his deeds. Manarek didn't always suffer however when it did this time it was almost irreversible.

The palace's corridor smelt of fear and evil darkness, the messenger walked the corridor towards the king's meeting chambers, one of the two guards standing on the door went inside then ushered the messenger in.

"Your highness" he bowed down. The messenger couldn't see anything of the king's features except his shadow and the crown that topped his head.

The king did not speak he just gave one nod allowing the messenger to speak.

" your highness, Sir Nik leader of the warlock labyrinth informs you that they have a lead on one of the marked, they ask your highness to bless them with your assessment on their mission, they promise to travel the lands of Bojinia and even earth, to bring you the marked" the messenger finished and bowed again.

The king whispered to one of the servants then the servant spoke "His highness, says whomever will bring him the marked will be favored by the king and will win many privileges" the messenger nodded then the king waved his hands in an order for him to leave.

Sir Nik received the king's message and was in a great hurry to look for the marked. Sir Nik who was in great hurry teleported to the labyrinth.

Once inside he went straight to the library, he starting moving back and forth deep in thought, the room was huge and empty but for Sir Nik, the walls were made of rocks, there were many candles filling the library with light and warmth.

The door opened with a loud noisy creak, a lady dressed in a dark purple gown that touched the floor entered. The dress was very beautifully made; she wore a necklace made of silver and beautiful simple earrings. However simple her look was, her presence was not to be taken simply. "Nik!?" she said in a beautiful voice.

"Eva, why do you look so disoriented?" He said pointing to her face which was really pretty she had dark green eyes that were searching for answers to the questions on her mind; her hair was very black it fell to the small of her back in a long braid. Her snow white skin was shimmering in the candles light.

"Are you out of your mind?!!" she questioned taking more steps towards Sir Nik and completed "Why would you say you have a lead on the marked while you don't, what's gone into your head?" she said and stopped in front of Sir Nik.

She looked into his eyes waiting for his reply, his eyes were nothing like hers his were grey and his hair was a dark shade of brown he wore a silver long cape that had grey fur on the edges. "Come" he took Eva by the hands and sat her on a big soft sofa then he sat next to her. "Eva, yes, we have searched every part of Manarek for the marked and we didn't find them, but that doesn't mean we won't" she looked at him with narrow eyes like she is trying to understand where this is going so he completed "I think, I know where I can find the marked, i kind of really have a lead on them."

"So! Where? And why did you send a messenger to the king?" she said.

"Earth" he said with a wicked smile. "And I sent the messenger in order to have the king on my side in every step I take from now on." Eva looked surprised from his words.

"Nik you are playing with fire let it go. Maybe the prophecy is not true maybe they don't exist at all." She said

"What if they do Eva, and I know they do?!" he shouted

"Then let them come and when they do, we fight" she replied.

"And we lose "He remarked sarcastically then completed "We need to be one step ahead darling." He took his wife's hand in his.

"there is no convincing you is there?" she asked.

He shook his head in response.

"So what do we do know?" Eva said standing up from the sofa.

"We prepare the assassins. They have a long trip ahead of them." He replied smirking devilishly.

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