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Anxiety's POV
I sat straight up, the most terrifying shriek erupting from the back of my throat, I felt my heart rate increase and my vision started to blur.

"No." I told myself, 'Breath in, hold, breath out. Repeat.'

In a matter of minutes, I regained my vision and my heart beat started to steady.

When I had fully clamed back down, I stood up and made my way to my dresser and like every other day, my outfit lay upon it.

I was surprised to find that it wasn't black at all, well besides my hoodie, the shirt was a t-shirt, it was white, with green and orange stripes, there were light blue skinny jeans as well.

I sighed, "This is not my style at all." I muttered, glancing at the clothes again, 'But why do I feel so compelled to wear them?'

I decided to go with it and get changed anyway, what's a little style change every so often?

'Today.' I thought after I got dressed, 'I will not leave my room, these clothes do not suit me at all.'

Third Person POV
The other sides were worried, no one had seen Anxiety in hours. It was quite unlike him not to be around leaving snarky comments.

"Well somebody needs to go check on Anxiety, he's usually out by now and hitting us all with snarky comments." Logan said, adjusting his glasses and glancing down at his book again.

"Don't ask me. I can't stand him." Roman said, looking back at the TV.

Patton sighed, "Fine, I'll go. But I was really enjoying that cartoon." he said, standing up.

"Logan! Patton! Roman!" echoed through the room and the traits where draw into the real world.

Help! I'm Falling. - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now