Chapter Twenty-Four

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Patton's POV

They play dirty.
They manipulate you until all that's left is a hollow shell.
They are cruel and now, now.

"Roman you can't." I pleaded, my voice cracking as I try so hard to save him.

Roman looked so lost without him.
I hated seeing my boy like this, but it was for his own good.
If he didn't stop. He'd end up like me.
I couldn't live with myself if I knew that I could save him from the imposter.

"Patton. Please. You don't understand. He makes me a better person. I need to see him. I need to be with him. " Roman pleaded, dispair and anger flashing through his eyes.

"Roman. He'll-he'll-he'll destroy everything you believe in. He doesn't love you. They're not- he's not who you think he is. Anxiety, that's not him-it's -" my mouth clamped shut, tears squeezed from the corners of my eyes.

I could feel Roman's anger building up inside, he was about to explode. But something was stopping him, I just couldn't figure out what.

"How could he not be Anxiety?" Roman whispered, looking down. I knew he wasn't directly asking me but I felt like an answer was fair.

"I cant-I wont- I'm sorry." was all I could manage as I stared in horror at what we had become, because of this monster.

He looked back up at me and for a split second I could see the real Roman, pleading to be set free from this rein of terror that Decan was unleashing.

But all I could offer back was small sympathetic smile.

With a small nod, Roman turned his back to me and marched away, no doubt in search for that pest.
But, if that's how stubborn he was going to be, then fine. He'll have to suffer when Decan hurts him like they did me.


A faint voice whispered in my head.

"Hello Vincent. No you may not feed off me to become a phantom." I stated, walking towards my room.

Third Person POV
~Twisted Castle~

"It's no use. He won't listen to me. He doesn't trust me." Deceit stated, turning to face the group with a disappointed look.

"Maybe I could try." the new voice brought a wicked look to Deceit's face. "I would've been here sooner if this one wasn't hiding from Decan, afraid anyone that see him would be Decan." the new figure pointing at another figure. "Now, would you like my assistance?"

Missy glanced at the figure, examining their body language. In the short time she had spent in the Twistedscape before this event, she had never come in contact with this trait. The trait appeared to take a female form.

Anxiety had a small smile on his face when he turned to face the figure, instantly recognizing them by their voice. He stepped towards the figure, glancing past them to see the 'other trait' that was hiding behind them.

The new trait looked child-like, much like Lilith.

"Hello Anxiety. I am extremely sorry for what I have done. I was only following the instructions I was given. Nobody wishes to speak up or act out against Decan. He is almost as scary as the holy one." the figure stated, extending their hand towards Anxiety.

"Enough of this. Cameron,  you may be our shot at defeating or at least weakening Decan." Deceit hissed, crossing his arms over his chest. "And Lani will probably not be able to help us anyway. He's to timid. He wouldn't dare stand against Decan."

"Sh-shut up Vince. Why do you always have to pick on me?" Lani asked, looking past Cameron at Deceit.

Missy let out a groan. "This is getting us nowhere. Will you have your turn please. I want to know if we can save all my friends. I want Thomas to be okay." she sated, her foot tapping vigorously on the ground.

Anxiety placed his hand on Missy's shoulder, "Calm down. Worrying will get us nowhere. We will save Thomas, Patton is just afraid of being hurt. He-he warned me about Decan. But it was to late. I was too weak, now-" he stopped dead, freezing in pace, lips parted to say the next word.

"Virge?" Missy questioned, waving her hand in front of his face. 

Anxiety's POV 

I looked around me, stuck in a dark place again. I could hear faint voices.

I opened my eyes to see, Roman? 

No, this isn't right. I'm stuck in the Twistedscape. How can I see Roman if I'm there. Unless...

No, Roman is stronger than that, he wouldn't fall for Decan's games. He would question why I'm being so nice and civil towards him. This isn't right. This isn't the Princey that I know. 

I can feel his desperation. His eyes were drained of their normal motivation.

"Lani." I whispered.

"Yes Virgil. Roman is becoming weaker and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You will not save him. You are not strong enough to take control." Decan's voice rang through my ears.

"False." I stated, reaching out towards Roman. A feeling of being whisked away, suddenly pulling me away from the poor trait in front of me. 

"NO! No! Roman! That's not me. That's not Anxiety! That's-"

"Bye Bye Virgil." 

A cold feeling rushed over me and everything went dark once more.

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