Chapter Twenty-Six

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~Patton's Room~

"Go on. It intrigues me to know, what you know, about 'Anxiety' " Logan urged, reassuring the other trait.

Patton gulped, "Well, it was uh quiet a while ago. You already know this though. But uh, back before Thomas new the difference between positive and negative traits. When he was maybe fifteen. Uh after, oh what was his name... I can't remember, oh uh-"

Logan remained straight faced, "Take your time Patton. I believe you're referring to Jon though. When Thomas met Jon." he stated.

Patton nodded, "Yes. Jon. So Thomas, fifteen, meets Jon. And Thomas was so so confused, because, he uh. He didn't understand his feelings towards this other boy. So he uh, he uh, he hid them for a while. But he finally asked Jon out and Jon said no." he stuttered, avoiding Logan's eyes.

"I am aware of this." Logan stated.

"Yes. Well, Thomas fell into a state, a state of pure sadness. And-and Decan showed up. Decan was so so so nice. But it was all just a-a lie. I fell for him, really bad, like Roman. He-" Patton could feel the tears slide down his cheeks, "I was a fool. A dumb fool who believed his words. He hurt me, so bad. And we fixed everything, we got Thomas back up on his feet. You saved me from...but then Anxiety showed up, for good. I could just see it in his eyes. I could tell what was-had happened to the poor boy. So I swore to protect him, which is why he's up here instead of some other positive trait. I had to keep him safe and I failed. I failed- I failed to save Anxiety, I failed to save Roman, I failed to save Missy, I failed to myself. I failed to save you." Patton said, finally meeting Logan's eyes.

Logan was shocked, "Me? You haven't failed to save me. I'm fine. See f-" Logan stopped mid-sentence, gazing past the other trait, a faint outline of a person just beyond Patton.

"Lo? Are you okay?" Patton asked, worried, he turned to meet where the other trait was glancing and gasped.

"Logan. Logan can you hear me? I- I don't know how long I can stay, so you need to listen to me. We've got Anxiety and Missy here with us. Vince, Lani and I want to help you guys take down Decan. But, we can't get out of here. Our hope is Anxiety, but Decan is trapping him here." the silhouette said, their voice very faint and quiet.

Patton sniffled, "OCD. What, Cameron? What's going on down their for you to be trapped? " he asked.

The silhouette stated to fizzle out before fading away completely.

Logan and Patton galnced at each other, exchanging worried looks.

"This is not good. If Anxiety is trapped down there, what's stopping Decan from trapping all of us; I mean you, Roman and I down with them? Cameron usually doesn't contact me. Their very careful with how much they make themselves known." Logan explained, showing signs of fear and worry for his friends.

"Lo, breath. Calm down. I'm sure that we can fix this. We just need to open the gateway to the Twistedscape and they'll be able to get free. Of course, there are multiple ways for them to escape. Like how Decan escaped. If we get too weak then they, the oppisides - Dark Sides as Roman refers to them, can take over us and control our bodies." Patton explained.

With Patton's words, Logan was up, pacing like he always did when he was trying to calm himself. So many thoughts racing through his brain. Endless amounts of questions. But there was one, very impractical question that made its way to Logan's mouth before he could filter himself.

"Why didn't you tell us all these things?"

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