Chapter 11

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Right before Don approached

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Right before Don approached...

I was so sick of these people. I just wanted to leave. It was the end of the day.

I texted my mom that I would come to her house after school. I was even more annoyed that my dad wanted to have some stupid family dinner. He said we needed to bond more.

I didn't understand his sudden change of heart. I'm gonna be 18 in a couple of months and I would be out of his house.

"Kari." Someone yelled.

I turned around with an annoyed look on my face. To my surprise, it was Don Xavier Carson the Sophomore who had a crush on me.

I sighed. What could he possibly want?

" Yes," I said putting my phone in my pocket.

" I was huh wondering if huh you wanted to like to hang out sometime? I guess." He said stumbling on his words.

He looked like he was about to pee on himself.

" Don as sweet and brave you are to come to me and ask me this. I'm gonna have to decline. We can never be anything more than friends. I'm really sorry." I said.

"Why? Is it because I'm not popular. I'm sorry I can't change my status but why can't you just give me a chance." He screamed.

Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared at us.

He must not know that we are related. I wanted to smack him for causing a scene. But now wasn't the right time or place to tell him that we are brother and sister. I had to let him down gently.

" Listen to me, Don. I know more about you then you think. This is NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Now leave me alone." I yelled.

He was holding me up from time with my mama.

With that, I left him there looking stupid. I had to tell him the truth soon. Before this little crush got out of hand.

 Before this little crush got out of hand

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