Chapter 18

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I heard on my front door.

I walked towards my door and opened it.

I was shocked to see Kehlani standing there.

" Listen now is not the time. Kari stormed out of the house and claimed now she's gonna live with you." I said.

" Listen whether you like it or not Kari is my daughter too. I may not have given birth to her but she's my child too. Let's put our bullshít aside and guide her to become a respectful adult. You may not like me or some of the things I've done in my past but respect me. Respect for taking care of your child when you didn't even know she existed. That day the social worker knocked on my door I wasn't stable to raise a child. But I got my act together and matured because I loved her. So I'll ask you this. If you didn't show up to my interview 10 years ago do you honestly think you would have found Kari ?" She said.

" You know what your absolutely right. I should thank you. You could have easily turned her away. So thank you." I said while hugging her.

" Also I just wanna apologize for being ignorant over the phone. I really try to work on how I say things." I said.

" Yeah you do. Because calling me a hœ was uncalled for. Now on to why I came here. I know you and Kari had an argument and you need to talk it out." She said.

" Yeah we did. I understand I'm not the best father but she needs to understand that I'm still the parent and she's the child." I said.

" I understand that you're the adult but it's hard for me to listen to you when you're barely here." Kari said walking into the living room where we sat.

" See we're making progress. " Said Kehlani with a smile.

" This maybe be hard but we all need to find mutual respect for each other. Dave respect me as her mother. Kari respect your father even if you guys aren't the closest. And finally Kari respect that you are still a child. You may be going on 18 but that doesn't make you an adult." She said.

" I completely agree with you. I'm glad we're having this conversation." I said.

" Yeah mama you're right. Sometimes my mouth can be reckless and I say things that I shouldn't. I'll work on that." Kari said.

" Okay now that this is settled I'm going home." Said Kehlani while she walked towards the door.

I followed behind her .

As I held the door open for her," wait is it true when Kari said she was going to be living with you when she started NYU?" I asked.

" Of course it's true Dave. " And with that she walked down the hall into the elevator.

 " And with that she walked down the hall into the elevator

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