Chapter 21

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"Unc please come get me

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"Unc please come get me ." I said through my phone.

"I'm outside." He said.

I was gonna be sick. There were so many things running through my head.

Why didn't my dad tell me ?

My mama ain't even really my mama.

This whole time I've been fantasizing about my sister.

I got in the car.

" Hey nephew. Why did you want me to come get you ? Also how did it go with that girl ? Did the flowers work ?" He asked all at once.

" Unc that girl that I was telling you about is my sister." I said.

" I didn't know your pops had another kid before you." He said confused.

" Apparently she's my half sister. We have the same mom." I said.

" Wow that's crazy. Lemme know what they say because we're here." He said.

" Thanks for the ride Unc." I said hopping out of the car making my way into the apartment building.

I walked into the elevator pacing back and forth.

What else are they lying to me about ?

I just don't understand why they wouldn't tell me.

I walked up to our door and unlocked it. Slamming it behind me.

Throwing my book bag on the ground I marched into the kitchen where I heard my parents.

" Don Xavier Carson why the hell are you slamming shít in my house." Yelled Joy.

" I don't know Joy. Maybe it's because I found out that you're not my mother and I'm in love with my sister." I yelled back.

She sat there frozen.

My dad started to speak," who told you that ? " He asked in a serious voice.

" So it's true. Kari Brewster is my sister and Joy isn't my real mother ? " I asked.

" First of all stop calling your mother by her first name. She is your real mother she's been here for you for the last 10 years. That definitely makes her your mother. Second yes Kari is your sister. Why does it even matter." He says calmly.

" Why does it even matter ? Why does it even matter ? It fücking matters because my whole life I've been in love with my sister. Do you know how wrong that is. I even made a plan with uncle Calvin to get her to like me." I shouted.

" You what ? I told you not to hang around your uncle. That man is a psychopath and an ex convict why would you want to associate yourself with him ?." He stated.

" So that's all you got from what I just said. I just told you I'm in love with my sister and  you complain that I was with my uncle." I said this time with realization starting to sink in.

" I'm in love with my sister." I said lowly.

" I'm in love with my sister." I repeated once again sinking to the floor.

I started crying rocking my self back and forth.

Joy ran over to me and gave me a hug.

" I'm sick." I replied crying louder and harder.

Just then my little sister Sky ran in the room. She seen me crying on the floor and tried to hug me.

" No Sky move away. I'm sick." I said still crying.

" It's okay big brother. I'll ask mommy to make you soup." She responded with a smile.

If I wasn't in this situation I probably would have laughed. But it made me cry even harder.

My dad finally spoke again.

" I'm sorry son. I didn't know. I honestly thought it would be in your best interest if I didn't tell you. We're gonna get you some help." He said.

Then he joined in on the hug.

" Hey I wanna hug too. I feel left out." Said Sky jumping on us.

I was gonna get through this . One way or another.

 One way or another

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