Chapter 24

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When I stepped through the door immediately something didn't feel right

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When I stepped through the door immediately something didn't feel right. I don't know if it was the fact that I was going against what my mother said.  Or that I knew what I did was wrong. But something was just off.

I spotted some of my friends in the VIP section. This wasn't the first time I've been in a club. When I was younger and my dad had to do shows he would bring me with him to clubs because he had no one to watch me.

I walked up the steps to where all my friends were at.

"Kari I'm glad you could make it." Said, Cali.

I could tell she had already had too much to drink.

Cali's parents were big in the music industry and were always on the road. Leaving her to take care of her three siblings and herself. Needless to say, she had it worse than me, and our lack of parents is one of the reasons why we bonded and became very good friends.

Although I wouldn't label her as my best friend seeing as though she was an attention seeking whore. But I didn't really blame her for that since she didn't really get any attention at home.

" Since my bestie is here. Let's turn all the way up," yelled Cali. Then she proceeded to stand on a table and started dancing like she had no sense.

I secretly rolled my eyes.  First, because I repeatedly tell her that we are not best friends. Second I know she's gonna get super drunk and I'm gonna have to take her home. And finally sneaking out probably wasn't even worth it.

Sigh. This is gonna be a long night.

4 Hours Later ......

" Yo Kari come get your girl Cali. She's about to leave with four guys." Said Mimi Cali's supposed Ride or Die.

I don't understand. If that's your Ride or Die. Why aren't you trying to help her instead of coming to be?

Rolling my eyes for like the thousandth time tonight. I stocked off towards the exit to find Cali. The girl was literally working on my last nerve.

I saw her walking out the door with four guys.

"Cali,"I shouted while trying to catch up with them as they made it outside.

She turned around. "What." She said with an attitude.

I need her to come all the way down. I'm about to save her from making the worst decision ever.

" Cali let me take you home," I said.

" I'mmm---Fffff-fine." She said with all her words slurring.

I turned my attention to the four guys that she was about to leave with.

" How old did she tell you she was?" I asked them.

"She said she just turned 21." One of them said.

" Well, she lied. She's technically not even 18 yet. So if any of you have intercourse with her that would be considered rape, and if all of you take turns with her that is considered gang rape. And you could possibly do 15 to life in jail. I don't think any of you wanna go to jail because of quick nut. So you should probably bring her to my car so I can take her home." I said to them.

" Dang I really owe you. I almost caught a case. I'm Dime by the way." The tallest one said.

" I've never heard of a guy named Dime. Usually, it's only girls." I said back. I'm not really sure why I was making conversation with a guy who just tried to rape my friend. But I was pretty much over with this night anyway. I just wanted to go home.

We had reached my mom's range and I told them to just put her in the backseat.

Afterward, I turned around to face them, " Thanks but I really should be going now. It was not so nice to meet you Dime." With that, I hoped in the car and pulled off.

I prayed I would get home soon. I just felt like something bad was about to happen.

*****Author's Note*****

So your girl passed her test.

I won't Have to repeat Geometry this year.

I found out today. So I'm gonna be doing a lot of updates today.

This chapter was done on my laptop and I think I'm might write more from here than on my phone.

Also, I wrote 739 words. I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written.

 I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written

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