Chapter 20

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Skip to lunch...

The period I've been treading all day. I didn't wanna be the one to tell him but I have to. Before he takes this crush even further.

Who breaks into someone's locker to put 100 roses in there. Some people might think that's cute, but to me it's stalkerish and creepy.

I seen him about to walk into the cafeteria.

" Hey Don wait up." I shouted.

He turned around looking hype. If only he knew what I was about to tell him would be life changing.

" So I take it you got the flowers." He said with a smile.

" Yeah about the flowers. Your gesture was sweet and creepy at the same time but you can't do stuff like that." I said.

" Kari when I said I liked you I meant it. I've been in love with you before I even knew what love meant." He said.

" Don I don't know why your parents didn't tell you. But we're related. There's know way in hell we can ever have anything together except a brother/sister relationship." I said hoping that he would finally understand.

"What you mean we are related ? " He asked.

" I mean we have the same egg donor. Don't ask me where she is because I don't know. But your my brother." I said.

" That means this whole time I've been pursuing my sister." He said with a disgusted look on his face.

" I gotta go. I think I'm gonna be sick." He said. Rushing out to the main entrance. I wanted to chase after him but I know he needed some space.

All I could think was how was is parents going to react to me telling him the truth.

All I could think was how was is parents going to react to me telling him the truth

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