Chapter 1

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"That was a great concert, Titan," Alert smiled as he pulled me into my changing room, locking the door behind him, "The audience is still going crazy! You're really good at this."

I sighed, leaning back, "It's not that hard to entertain a bunch of drunks in a bar, Alert. I'm not talented. Trap, dub-step, and techno don't even qualify as music to a lot of people."

"Ere- Titan," Alert corrected himself, "Nobody gets to really decide what's real music and what isn't. If it makes you feel any better, I think your music is definitely real. It just... feels different from other artists of the same genres."

Not exactly knowing what to do, I stood, putting my hood up. Alert did the same and we both took the back exit as to not be seen. I sighed as we walked to my house, Alert humming softly.

I opened my door sneakily and cautiously crept into the bathroom, the lock clicking behind me. I stared into the mirror at my appearance. I pulled off my wig of long brown hair and put it on the counter. I stared at my makeup that made me into "The Titan." I groaned, knowing that peeling off the makeup would be a long and tedious task. I did it anyway and washed my face afterwards. I opened the door and crashed on my bed, Mikasa and Armin sitting on my couch.

"How was it, Eren?" Mikasa asked curiously, watching me exit my bathroom.

I sighed, trying my best not to come off as too pessimistic, not that it helped much anyways, "Same as always, I guess. You know, same old, same old."

Armin turned to Mikasa, eyes glowing with pride, "It was the best performance yet! You should've seen it! The whole bar was dancing and so many people showed up, that they had to put more guards outside to make sure no more came in! Ere- I mean the Titan was amazing."

Mikasa looked at me, annoyance clearly evident in both her tone and her countenance, "What is up with you and this split personality thing? You are Titan, so stop making Armin call you different names when you're at home. Christ."

Armin laughed, "He doesn't call me Armin at work ever. He calls me Alert."

I crossed my arms, "Well you wouldn't let me call you DJ Coconut, so that's your fault, Armin. What kind of alias is 'Alert' anyway?! You literally just took away one letter from your last name. Your disguise is crazy too! You just slick your hair back and put on glasses."

"Worked for Superman," Armin shrugged, stretching to reach the sky, "Anyways, I'm going to spend the night here if it's okay with you two."

"You don't have to ask," I grumbled, "You can always stay when the Titan works."

Mikasa shot me one of her signature death glares that could make even a lawyer shudder, "Stop talking about yourself in the third person, Eren. It's creepy as fuck."

"Your obsession with me is creepy as fuck! I'm going to bed. Goodnight," I pushed Mikasa and Armin out of my bedroom and locked the door.

I slid down the door and onto the floor. My walls were adorned with posters from various artists, however, the most prominent of these ornaments was the one that my eyes lingered longest. The Survey Corps. Now that was real music, not that shit that the Titan came up with. Heichou was a real artist and songwriter. The Titan nor I could never compete.

"I wish I could meet Heichou," I whispered to myself wishfully, lulling to sleep.


I woke up and turned on my television, putting on some home renovation show, because honestly, that was my shit. I watched as one of the guys knocked down a wall. It was satisfying to watch if crumble down. The show went to commercial and I got up to pour myself some cereal with marshmallows in it, because I was a grown ass man who liked eating Lucky Charms.

I Don't Believe In Love Songs (Ereri/Riren AU) (COMPLETED) [#Wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now