Insta -- Cassiopeia

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@Cassi.Malfoy: With you, I'm free. Therefore, I'm willing to risk everything for you.
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@Scorp.Malfoy: ...what did I miss?
@Cassi.Malfoy: Nothing of your concern since you enjoy telling Dad every little thing I tell you @Scorp.Malfoy
@Scorp.Malfoy: That's because you do stupid shit. I'm only trying to protect you.
@Scorp.Malfoy: wait. This is from last night, isn't it? You said you were with Lysander...
@NotLorcan: um, we're on vacation at the moment???
@Scorp.Malfoy: I'm so close to telling Dad about this.
@LilyLuna: People lie. Get over it, @Scorp.Malfoy
@AlSevPot: @Scorp.Malfoy Lmao you got played by your sister. Maybe she was with Lily? I asked her if she wanted to hang out last night but she told me she was busy. @Scorp.Malfoy @AlSevPot
@AlSevPot: Lils told us she was with you????
@Scorp.Malfoy: You got played to, loser. @AlSevPot
@AlSevPot: @LilyLuna you have ten seconds to tell me where you were or I will tell Dad you lied. You can't just lie and disappear like that. You're 15.
@Scorp.Malfoy: ^^^ @Cassi.Malfoy
@LilyLuna: @AlSevPot Don't you dare.
@Cassi.Malfoy: Scorpius, if you mention anything about this to him, I will never speak to you again. I mean it. @Scorp.Malfoy
@SiriuslyJames: @Draco @harrypotter there, it's done.

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