01 -- Malfoy's

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After Cassiopeia and Scorpius was picked up from Malfoy Manor, they went straight to the burrow for a family dinner. Instead of joining them, the two went outside and laid down in the grass together. They kept waiting for the other one to say something first, but neither of them spoke.
"So," Scorpius started. Cassiopeia looked at him, but he kept his eyes glued to the very colorful sky. "That curse that Grandpa hit us with, how bad was it for you?" He asked her. She let out a shaky sigh as she looked back up to the sky. She stayed silent for a few moments.
"It was the worse pain that I've ever felt in my entire life. I just wish I could forget about it." She told him. She heard a small sniffle and looked over at him.
"I literally thought I was going to lose you. Your screams. It was all I could hear and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. I should have did something especially since you're the one that jumped in front of me. I'm suppose to protect you, and I didn't. I'm so sorry for letting you down." He rambled on. She looked back up to the sky and tried her best to hold the tears back, but epically failed.
"You didn't give him the satisfaction of screaming, but a blind person would have been able to tell that you were in just as much pain. It killed me to see you like that. That's why I jumped in front of you. You're my brother and I'd rather die than lose you. I only have you and Dad. That's it." Cassiopeia explained to him.
"You think I want to lose you? You're the only one that knows what it feels like to be a fucking Malfoy. You've been through the same shit as me. To be completely honest, you know me better than anyone." Scorpius told her. She let out another sigh.
"Do you think Dad is okay? I mean, he said he'd call us when Grandpa left but he hasn't called. Don't you think he would have left by now?" Cassiopeia asked while sitting up.
"It's Dad. He's fine." Scorpius assured her.
"I was almost positive he was going to choose him over us." She said with a small laugh. Scorpius laughed along with her.
"Yeah, I don't think that will ever happen." Scorpius told her with a small smile.
"I feel so out of place." She muttered. Scorpius sat up and nodded.
"Trust me, I do to. I know for a fact that Rosie's Dad hates me. I'm sure some of the others dislike us as well, but honestly, all I'm worried about is if the Potters like me or not." Scorpius responded.
"If the Potters didn't like us, I don't think we'd be staying with them until Dad settles everything with Grandpa." Cassiopeia pointed out to him. He shrugged.
"Are you going to be hanging out with Lils tonight?" Scorpius asked. She shrugged.
"Depends, are you hanging out with Al tonight?" She asked him.
"Wasn't planning on it. I was gonna see if you wanted to watch The Walking Dead like we do any other night." He told her. She smiled and nodded.
"Sure. I'd rather stay to myself anyways." She told him.
"Let's go eat. I'm starving." Scorpius whined.
"Fine." Cassiopeia said while getting up and walking towards the house with Scorpius.

A/N: HERE IT IS!!!! I know this probably sucks but this was my first one and I'll try to make the other chapters better. Which family do you want some insight on next???

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