02 -- Dinner

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A/N: This did not turn out how I expected it to, forgive me for my sucky writing😭

Everyone was sitting around the dinner table eating in a very awkward silence, besides Cassiopeia and Scorpius. No one was quite sure what they should say so they decided just to stay silent. Soon, Cassiopeia entered the dining room and sat down next to Draco.
"Where's your brother?" Draco asked her.
"Well, I hope he's still in pain." Cassiopeia told him. "Also, I think I may have broken the shower curtain." She informed Harry and Ginny.
"If you were just in the shower, why is there a frog chilling out on your head?" James asked her curiously.
"Dad. Please get the frog off of me." Cassiopeia said with a small groan.
"Depends. Will I still have two children once it's off of your head?" Draco asked her with raised eyebrows.
"I think two is a bit much, don't you think? Wouldn't you rather just have me around?" Cassiopeia asked him. He rolled his eyes before taking the frog out of Cassiopeia's hair. Before she could get up, a smirking Scorpius entered the dining room.
"I see you've met Cassi's new little friend. They met in the shower." Scorpius told his father while sitting down next to his sister.
"If I had the chance, I would have thrown my conditioner at your face to." Cassiopeia told him while patting his shoulder.
"You have sucky aim." Scorpius replied with a shrug.
"He is kind of cute." Draco muttered while looking at the frog with a small smile. "Where'd you find him?" Draco asked Scorpius.
"He was on the window sill outside of our window so I caught him and put him in the shower when Cassi was in there. I'm surprised you guys didn't hear her scream it was hilarious, until she threw her shampoo and body wash at my face of course." Scorpius explained while trying to hold back a laugh.
"Can you do that again?" Albus asked him.
"Okay, I have to admit that it would be hilarious to see soap getting pelted at Scorp's face." Lily said while laughing.
"Don't worry, when I get him back, I'll make sure you two will be there to see it." Cassiopeia told them with a smirk.
"Throwing soap at someone's face is a bit violent don't you think? Especially over a frog. I mean, I've heard that you two get pretty violent while arguing, but I didn't think it was over everything." Louis said, butting his way into the conversation. Scorpius and Cassiopeia both raised their eyebrows at him.
"Can you guys just stop already?" Victorie asked him, clearly annoyed.
"Actually, why don't we just settle everything right now? This drama is getting ridiculous." George suggested. Cassiopeia and Scorpius looked at each other before shrugging.
"Fine with us." Scorpius told him with a sigh. "So, who's been telling you three that we're violent towards each other?" Scorpius asked Louis.
"That's not important." Hugo told him.
"It's not true. We'd never hurt each other on purpose, not after everything our grandpa put us through." Cassiopeia blurted out without thinking. Draco furrowed his eyebrows at her.
"What the hell did you just say?" He asked her.
"You shouldn't have said that." Scorpius muttered under his breath.
"It's been going on for years, Dad. We didn't want to put you in a situation where you had to choose between us and your own dad so we just dealt with it." Cassiopeia explained to him with a shrug. Draco let out a long sigh.
"Let me get something clear, you two come before anything and that's including my piece of shit father. Don't hide shit like this from me ever again. Understood?" Draco asked them.
"Understood." Scorpius and Cassiopeia said in unison. Hugo, Louis, and Fred looked at one another and decided not to say anything else.
"Looks like they finally figured out how to shut the fuck up." Albus announced.
"Albus, watch your mouth." Ginny told him sternly.
"But mum, fuck is one of my favorite fucking words. Why do you gotta fucking ruin that for me, what the fuck?" Albus asked her.
"Albus." Harry said sternly.
"I'm surprised you've lived 17 long years with the mouth that you got." James told his brother while laughing.
"Shut the fuck up, James." Albus told him. "Oh shit." Albus muttered once he seen the looks that he was receiving.
"Out. Now." Harry told him.
"I'm hungry! I'll shut up. I promise." Albus told him.
"One more curse word out of your mouth and I'll put a silencing charm on you for a month. Don't test me." Ginny threatened him. He sighed and nodded.
"Oh, while we're on the topic of drama, would you like to apologize before I make sure you die a slow and painful death, Leo?" Scorpius asked him with raised eyebrows.
"We worked it out, mate. No need to get over protective." Leo told him.
"This is exactly why I can't keep a boyfriend. I have an over protective psychotic best friend." Rose informed everyone.
"Aw. That's the nicest thing that you've ever said about me." Scorpius said sarcastically before taking a drink of water.
"Actually no. I have a question. Does Lily know you used Lysander to test out your sexuality? Actually, does Lily know that you and him use to be friends with benefits?" Fred asked Cassiopeia. Scorpius started choking on his water almost instantly.
"I'll fucking kill him." Scorpius told her. Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at him.
"Seriously? That's personal." Cassiopeia told Fred.
"I spoke way too soon." Albus muttered.
"Is that true?" Draco asked her with a raised eyebrow. Cassiopeia let out a sigh and nodded.
"I didn't think anyone would find out. We're just friends, I swear. We stopped everything when Lily came into the picture." Cassiopeia tried to defend herself.
"We'll talk about this later, Cassiopeia." Draco told her.
"Why can't you guys just accept the fact that we trust them? Stop trying to make them look like the bad ones." Lily told them.
"Look, this is my fault. I asked an innocent question and caused this. I'm sorry. If I would have just minded my damn business, we wouldn't be at war right now. I'm sorry. Can everyone just agree to disagree? You guys don't have to like the Malfoy's but you can at least have the decency to respect them for Albus and Lily." Roxanne spoke up.
"Preach it!" Dominique shouted while clapping.
"It's only you three that have a problem, just drop it already." Victorie told them.
"I'll drop it. I'm sorry. For everything." Hugo apologized.
"It's fine, I guess. You're Lily's best friend, I can't really hate you even if I wanted to." Cassiopeia replied. Lily furrowed her eyebrows at her.
"I'm not sure if we're still friends or not after this. I begged him to stop and he refused. I'm mad at him so I can care less if you hate him or not." Lily informed her.
"I'm kind of with Lils on this. You said some pretty messed up stuff about us, I don't know if I can just forgive you like that." Scorpius told him. He let out a long sigh before continuing. "But you're also Rose's little brother so I can't be an ass towards you, I guess, but don't think that this means we're friends because as of now, we're not." He finished. Hugo nodded and went back to eating his dinner.
"Is this settled now?" Draco asked. Everyone nodded. "Good, come on." Draco told Cassiopeia while standing up.
"But I'm eati-" She started before she got cut off.
"Don't make me tell you again." Draco told her sternly. She sighed and got up before following him out of the dining room.
"Your dad is cool and all, but he's a bit frightening." Albus told Scorpius.
"You have no idea." Scorpius replied.
"You know, your mother actually thought it was funny when he was mad and she actually did things to piss him off on purpose." Pansy told Scorpius.
"Thats probably where Cassi gets it from. I swear she does the exact same thing but she's actually afraid of him though." Scorpius told her.
"Cassi is just like Astoria in many ways." Blaise told him with a smile.
"I've only met Astoria a few times, but they do seem a lot alike." Hermione butted in. Ron raised his eyebrows at her. "When I went back to Hogwarts to repeat my 7th year after the war, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and I became friends. Close friends actually. I didn't meet Astoria until Blaise and Pansy got married." Hermione explained to him. Ron just nodded and didn't say anything.
"Wait, why is she afraid him?" Pansy asked Scorpius.
"Well, my dad never hits us unless we do something extremely bad, but not in an abusive way what so ever, just to knock some sense into us. Anyways, he caught Cassi doing something super bad so he asked her about it and she refused to tell the truth so she got into trouble. But in my opinion, he went way too easy on her and that's saying a lot. But she's been a bit afraid of him since then." Scorpius explained.
"That makes me think of that one time Albus was high and my mum found out and he told her and I quote 'Geez woman, looks like you're the one that should be stoned right now, take a chill pill.' And my mum slapped him so hard I'm pretty sure America could hear it." Lily said while laughing. Albus glared at her.
"I'm pretty sure that's why Cas got in trouble. My dad either caught her smoking weed or drinking." Scorpius told her.
"Sounds like they're not arg- oh, never mind, I do hear shouting." Pansy said. Scorpius shook his head.
"Cassiopeia doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. She just keeps on until she's in even more trouble." Scorpius informed her.
"So just like Albus?" Teddy asked him. Scorpius nodded.
"You guys stop picking on me!" Albus shouted.
"Merlin's beard! We're late!" Ginny informed everyone while checking the time. "Everyone go ahead and go, I'll clean this mess up real quick. Al, can you help me?" Ginny asked while standing up. Albus nodded and stood up to help while everyone else was leaving the dining room to leave.

A/N: So I'm a huge Dramione shipper and I wanted to make them a couple in this before I even published it but I decided just to stick to the actual story so I just made them really close friends, so that's one thing you learned about Hermione. I was planning on putting a lot more info about the characters in this chapter, but it didn't turn out that way, my bad but you did learn a bit more about the Malfoy's(aka my favorite family). Ugh, I hope you guys liked it though. Thank you guys for reading! And thank you for 6k reads!!! Love you guys💚💚💚💚💚💚

Also, what type of insight chapters do you guys want to see in the future???

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