05 - St. Mungo's

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Within the hour of Roxanne being admitted to the hospital, her whole family had arrived. To say that the Weasley and Potter clan were a very tight group of people was an understatement. It didn't matter how much tension there was between everyone, they were always there for one another. Fred had resorted to showing his grandfather how social media and modern day technology works to keep him distracted from his sister while everyone else sat in the waiting room and waited patiently for good news.
"...or instead of tapping the little heart, you can just double tap the picture." Fred explained while double tapping his phone screen.
"Fuck this." Cassiopeia said while getting up and leaving the waiting room. She walked down the hallway until she came to a bathroom. She sighed and went to push the door open but someone had already pulled it open, causing Cassiopeia to fall.
"I'm so sor- oh." The red head started. Cassiopeia looked up at the girl and shook her head.
"Of course you can't even apologize for something as simple as this. You're pathetic, Lily." Cassiopeia replied while standing up. Lily let out a sigh before she began to speak again.
"I'm sorry. For everything. I fucked up really bad and I'm sorry. I want to tell you something before Amelia tells you first. That screenshot of the texts between you and her was real. I know that because I'm the one that helped her ruin our relationship." Lily explained. If looks could kill, Lily would have already dropped dead when the words left her mouth.
"I'm almost positive that a 'Hey, Cassi! I think we should break up, I'm just not feeling it anymore' would have worked just fine, y'know." Cassiopeia replied sarcastically. Lily shook her head.
"I didn't want to do it, Cas. She blackmailed me with a lot of shit. Besides, I could tell you weren't into it anymore. I was holding you back and to be completely honest with you, I don't like girls, I mean I thought I did, but I don't." Lily admitted. Cassiopeia glanced at the girl and noticed her quickly wiping away a few tears. "When I found out about what happened tonight, I kicked Amelia to the curb. She's going to spill every little secret I have, but I'm okay with that because I want my family and friends back. I don't want to be with you and I'm glad you're with someone who cares about you, but please, forgive me." Lily added. Cassiopeia let out a small groan.
"I forgive you. But I am not you friend. I'll probably never be your friend. I don't trust you, and again, I'll probably never trust you. Thanks for apologizing and telling the truth though, I appreciate it." Cassiopeia told her. Lily smiled at her and nodded.
"Oh, and I'm happy for you and Roxanne. You two are good for each other." Lily replied before leaving the bathroom. Cassiopeia sighed in relief. She was finally alone.


Roxanne struggled to open her eyes. She didn't know where she was or what had happened, all she knew was that she was in a tremendous amount of pain. Once she managed to get her eyes opened, she was faced with a very bright light.
"I'm dead, aren't I?" She manage to get out. She heard someone quickly rush over to her. She turned her head and smiled at her father.
"How are you feeling?" George asked her while taking her hand into his.
"Fine it just hurts." She told him. "A lot." She quickly added before looking around the room to see the rest of her family and her friends. "Where am I?" She asked him.
"St.Mungo's, love. I wasn't expecting you to be awake until at least tomorrow." Roxanne turned her head towards the door and was taken back.
"You're a healer?" She asked the man. Draco nodded in reply.
"A very tired and hungry healer, may I add since I was suppose to be off last night and today. But someone that I care about inconveniently decided to get hurt." Draco replied. Roxanne smiled at him. "Here, drink this. It'll help with the pain." Draco told her while handing her a potion of some sort. Roxanne quickly downed the liquid.
"Thank you. You didn't have to work on your days off, I'm sure there's other healers here." Roxanne replied with a smile.
"I'm the best healer here and you deserve the best. But we do plan on keeping you until you're back to your old self. I'm very familiar with this curse and it does have some pretty intense side affects." Draco told her with a sympathetic smile. She sighed and nodded.
"I think I dropped my phone when I was hit with the curse, did anyone grab it?" Roxanne asked. Cassiopeia nodded while pulling it out of her pocket. She got up and made her way over to the bed before handing it to her. Roxanne moved over and patted the bed next to her. Cassiopeia took her up on the offer and laid down beside her.
"I think I'm going to be sick." Louis announced. Everyone rolled their eyes at him.
"I have this friend that's single and super desperate to the point she'll probably date you. You guys should meet." Dominique suggested.
"If she's anything like you, I'll pass." Louis replied with a smile.
"Wow, I can just feel the sibling love radiating off of you two." Stella joked with an eye roll.
"I'm assuming I'm stuck with you for awhile since you're still here?" Draco asked her.
"Well, given the fact that you're basically my second dad and I haven't seen you in months, yes you're stuck with me for awhile." She replied with a smile.
"Anyways; I told you all that she was going to be okay." Fred announced. "They were all freaking out and on the verge of tears, but I stayed calm. I knew you were going to be okay." Fred explained to Roxanne while making his way to her bed. Everyone gave him a questioning look.
"Says the one that was literally crying for three hours straight." Hugo said with an eye roll. Roxanne smirked at her older brother.
"You were actually worried about me?" She asked him. He rolled his eyes.
"Of course I was, Rox, you're my little sister and I know I don't tell you enough, but I love you." He told her. She smiled at him.
"I love you to, Freddie." She replied.
"We never speak of this moment again." Fred told her. She laughed and nodded in agreement.
"If you don't mind me asking, do you remember anything after you were hit with whatever curse that was?" Victorie asked curiously. Roxanne sighed.
"I don't remember anything when it comes to reality. But after I was hit, there was this rush of pain and I guess you could say it was dreams or whatever, but It was like I was face to face with all of my biggest fears. The worst part of it all was that I thought it was all real." Roxanne explained to her while looking up at the ceiling. A few seconds later, just about everyone stood up.
"We're going to go ahead and go. I know Harry and I will be back later on to visit." Ginny announced with a smile while everyone else left the room besides Roxanne's parents and Fred.
"That means you to, Cassiopeia." Draco informed his daughter.
"Oh, it's fine if she stays." Angelina told him.
"Very well then. I'll be back soon to check up on you." Draco told Roxanne before exiting out of the room along with Ginny. Cassiopeia intertwined her hand with Roxy's and smiled.
"You haven't said anything since I woke up." Roxanne said with a frown.
"I love you." Cassiopeia told her. Roxanne went to reply, but Cassiopeia started speaking again. "Look, I know I suck at expressing my feelings and all, but this experience made me realize that I literally never want to lose you." Cassiopeia told her. Roxanne smiled and gave her a quick but passionate kiss.
"I love you, and like I've said many times before, I'm not going anywhere." Roxanne assured her.
"Kill me now please." Fred said with a groan.
"Oh, shut up and let them be." George told him.
"I know I just woke up and all, but I'm tired. Do you guys mind if I go to sleep?" Roxanne asked. Everyone shook their heads.
"We're going to go grab some breakfast, we'll be back. Sleep well, love." Angelina told her before leaving the room with George and Fred.
"I'm gonna go irritate my dad. I'll see you later. Sweet dreams." Cassiopeia told her with a smile before getting up and leaving the room.

A/N: So this is definitely not how I wanted this chapter to go but it's been forever since I updated so here you guys go. I'm sorry for my sucky writing, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Love you guys😊💚

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