DM -- Potter & Weasley Gang

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Roxy: What's up with Cassi and Scorp?

freddie2: they're being super distant... how is that any different than how the Malfoy family usually acts?

AlSevPot: ... 🐸☕️

lou.w: I think you may have said the wrong thing, Freddie😂

LilyLuna: What's that suppose to mean?

freddie2: It means that they're super secretive. You two are dating them, but do you not realize how they act at school? They're shady af.

lupout: I don't see how they act 'shady'.

Rosieg.w: Just stop, Fred. I'm Scor's best friend. He's not the shady type at all. I'm sorry, but I'm siding with Freddie on this one. They tend to not socialize with anyone besides a very few people and themselves. They're cool and all, but I wouldn't trust them. They're kind of weird if I'm being completely honest.

AlSevPot: 🖕🖕🖕🖕

SiriuslyJames: Albus.

SiriuslyJames: Don't.

Vic.torie: You don't think it's hard for them to trust other people? You guys are over reacting over nothing.

dom.wea: Why would it be hard for them to trust other people?

Vic.torie: not my place to tell, little sis.

Lu.Lu: I barely know them lmao

Mo.Mo: But isn't Leo your best friend? Isn't he close with Scorpius and Cassiopeia?

Lu.Lu: Yeah, they're practically like siblings. But they don't talk all that much I don't think. I mean, they do tend to stay to themselves a bit. Hugo is right about that.

Rosieg.w: Hugo, shut the hell up. You always try to hang out with Scorpius and I. Yeah, that was before he started getting annoyed by it. I know for a fact that Dad doesn't like you being friends with him.

LilyLuna: 🙃🙃🙃🙃

Roxy: Guys, I just asked a simple question.

freddie2: And I gave you an answer...

LilyLuna: A shitty answer🙄

AlSevPot: Yeah, seriously. Keep your fucking opinions about my boyfriend to yourself, fucking assholes.

lou.w: Why? We can have different opinions about people. Just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean that we can't have our own thoughts about him.

LilyLuna: That's beside the fucking point, Louis. You guys barely know them and all of you are being real assholes right now. It may have escaped you're notice, but they haven't had the happiest life.

Roxy: I started a fucking war oh my god.

SiriuslyJames: Yes, yes you did.

AlSevPot: To answer your question, Roxanne, their grandfather is a piece of shit.

AlSevPot: Also, anyone who has a problem with my cinnamon roll, fuck you🖕

LilyLuna: What he said😊

Lu.Lu: You guys are being ridiculous. So what if they're secretive? From what I heard, they're great. But they're weird! I mean, does anyone else think that they're a bit too close for siblings?

Rosieg.w: That's just disgusting, Hugo. They're close because it's just them and their dad. They've been through so much shit together so of course they're going to be super close. None of us has lost one of our parents, none of us has grown up in a family filled with ex-death eaters, none of us have been in their shoes. I've heard stories that made me cry. It's safe to say that we're all close with our siblings, but not as close as Scorpius and Cassi. They're bond is far from unbreakable because of the shit that they get put through. Don't fuck with my best friend👌


Vic.torie: let's not forget about the fact that people look at them as if they're spawns of Satan. maybe that's because they are?

LilyLuna: Fuck you, Hugo🖕

AlSevPot: Keep bashing my boyfriend and his sister. I'm literally about to fuck someone up.

Roxy: Okay. I'm done. I'm removing everyone. Good bye. I fucked enough shit up.


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