Insta -- James

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@SiriuslyJames: Tonight was great😊 pic credits: @dom

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@SiriuslyJames: Tonight was great😊 pic credits: @dom.wea
17,386 likes|43 comments I miss you already😭
@SiriuslyJames: 😂😂😂 You guys are going to literally see each other in about ten seconds
@AlSevPot: I can't believe Dad is actually hosting an after party. When I do it I get yelled at and grounded for the whole summer😒
@lupout: Okay, you snuck out and went to a party after they told you no, then drunk you comes back home at 3am with more drunk teenagers and decides to blast music and wake everyone up @AlSevPot
@LilyLuna: At least all of you had a date😒
@Scorp.Malfoy: I'll drag her ass out of bed when we get back. I'm honestly so shocked that my dad didn't let her come tonight @LilyLuna
@dom.wea: That's my bestie everyone😍
@Cassi.Malfoy: Wait, what after party? @AlSevPot
@AlSevPot: My dad invited a few people over. Including your dad, they seem to be getting along pretty well now @Cassi.Malfoy
@Cassi.Malfoy: Shit, @Scorp.Malfoy TEXT ME ITS IMPORTANT
@Scorp.Malfoy: We're back, I'll just come talk to you @Cassi.Malfoy
@leo.zab: Who wants to bet that Cas did something stupid?
@AlSevPot: 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ @leo.zab
@Scorp.Malfoy: Everyone needs to help me distract my dad. If he finds out she's not here, he's going to fucking lose it. I got this I'm a master at distracting people @Scorp.Malfoy
@SiriuslyJames: I should delete these comments before certain people see them.
@freddie2: too late, mate😏 @SiriuslyJames
@lou.w: Asshole #2 has joined the party also👋
@Vic.torie: Is this why Hugo is getting dating advice from your dad? @Scorp.Malfoy
@Rosieg.w: What the actual fuck? @Vic.torie
@AlSevPot: WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT?! @lou.w
@lou.w: Lysander was asking where Cassiopeia was so I told him. Lying is bad, @AlSevPot
@Scorp.Malfoy: I can't fucking stand you @lou.w
@Rosieg.w: Do you know where she is? We could always tell him that Louis was lying @Scorp.Malfoy
@Cassi.Malfoy: I'll be there in a few seconds. Don't worry about it. He already knows and I'm in enough trouble as it is @Rosieg.w
@AlSevPot: You should have climbed through the window instead of casually walking through the front door because if looks could kill, you'd probably be dead right about now @Cassi.Malfoy
@SiriuslyJames: You don't know how to shut the fuck up do you? @AlSevPot
@AlSevPot: Nope

A/N: I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this anymore lmao. Hope you guys liked it though😊

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