04 - Malfoy Manor

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Everyone was sitting around the dining table at Malfoy Manor eating in a very awkward silence. Cassiopeia kept her attention on her plate rather than the people sitting around the table.
"Can I please go back to bed?" Cassiopeia asked while turning towards her father.
"If you want to start counseling, then sure. You break your part of the deal, I break my part." He told her. She sighed and looked back down at her plate.
"If she really needed it, she wouldn't have a problem with going, Dad." Scorpius butted in.
"Some people don't want to talk about their problems with complete strangers. Just because she doesn't want to go doesn't mean that she doesn't need it." Hermione informed him.
"Dude. She's your sister, you should be the one that's there for her." Fred butted in. Albus raised his eyebrows at him.
"Oh really? I may be wrong, but all you and Roxanne do is argue. You two practically hate each other." Albus told him.
"We don't argue. We joke around with each other. We actually get along very well." Roxanne informed him. "But you should really stop being a dick to your sister, Scorpius." She quickly added before taking a drink of her water.
"I wouldn't be such a prick if she would own up to what she did and stop playing the damn victim. What she did and said was wrong." Scorpius defended himself. Cassiopeia shook her head.
"You of all people should understand, Scorpius. We both know Amelia personally. You know what she's like. Why do you believe her over me?" Cassiopeia asked him. He didn't respond, he just shrugged. "Oh, and in case you didn't notice this whole depression thing started way before any of this." She quickly added.
"She showed me the messages." Lily spoke up.
"Yeah and those were as real as our relationship, obviously." Cassiopeia replied before finally taking a bite of her food.
"You're the one that cheated, Lily. Cassi isn't the bad guy in this situation." Hugo blurted out.
"Okay, since when did you four become friends?" Lily asked clearly annoyed. Cassiopeia gave her the famous Malfoy Smirk.
"We worked things out. Hugo truly is a great friend, you know. But I'm also not a complete bitch towards him like a certain someone." Cassiopeia told her.
"That's very true." Hugo agreed with her.
"I was a bitch towards him because he was being a jerk towards you!" Lily defended herself.
"Uh, try again." Hugo told her.
"Yeah, you treat everyone around you pretty shitty." Dominique admitted.
"What was the point of any of us coming if it was just going to be filled with drama?" James asked.
"Well, I figured having a dinner would get rid of the tension between us all. That's why I suggested it. I was obviously wrong." Albus told him with an eye roll.
"Don't be an idiot, Albus. Cassiopeia has a talent for making everything about her. She enjoys living off of other peoples pity." Lily told him while crossing her arms.
"Lily, cut it out." Harry and Ginny said in unison.
"Don't even think about it." Draco told Cassiopeia before she could even get a word out.
"So you're not just dating Roxanne to get close to Fred, are you?" Louis asked Cassiopeia jokingly.
"Louis, do us all a favor and shut up." Roxanne told him while shaking her head at him.
"Do you and Lysander have a YouTube channel together?" Scorpius asked Cassiopeia. She gave him a confused look.
"What makes you think that?" She asked him.
"Amelia sent me a link to it the other day." He replied.
"Oh. Well, yeah, kind of." She told him with a sigh.
"What's a Youtube?" Arthur asked.
"It's a muggle thing, Grandpa." Victorie answered him.
"What kind of videos do you guys post?" Roxanne asked her curiously.
"A bit of everything. Vlogs, covers, stuff like that. We've reached a million subscribers so far." Cassiopeia told her with a smile.
"You sing? Yeah right." Lily scoffed.
"I have nothing to prove to you. I don't see why you're trying so hard to get under my skin, I can careless about what you think." Cassiopeia replied confidently before going back to playing with her food. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." She announced before getting up and leaving the dining room.
"Hey, are you okay?" Cassiopeia turned around and smiled at Roxanne.
"Yeah, Im fine. It's just I was kind of being a bitch and now I feel bad. I'm not in the mood for apologizing." She explained while leading the way to the backyard. Roxanne laughed and shook her head.
"You shouldn't feel bad. You did nothing wrong. Lily does tend to treat everyone like shit. She treated you like shit and I don't think I'll ever forgive her for that." Roxanne told her while they sat down on the grass next to each other.
"Why not? It's just me." Cassiopeia told her with a shrug.
"I've had feelings for you since way before you and Lily started dating. I thought you were straight and I wasn't quite sure of my feelings then so I never said anything. You and I could have been together while she was playing you. You're an amazing person, Cas and she didn't deserve you at all. Hell, I don't even deserve you but I'm glad that you're giving me a chance." Roxanne explained to her. Cassiopeia smiled at her.
"You're actually the person that made me start questioning my sexuality. Lily and I were never going to work out. With her I kind of felt trapped. Now, not so much. I've been a wreck the last few weeks but you make it better so thank you." Cassiopeia said while picking a few purple flowers from the ground.
"Does your dad like me?" Roxanne asked. Cassiopeia looked up at her and nodded.
"Ever since I told him that Lily and I broke up, you've been his favorite topic. After he first met you, he told me that you seemed really sweet and more like my type. He's never stated that he liked you, but I'm assuming that he does." Cassiopeia explained. Roxanne nodded.
"I'm not sure how my parents feel about you. I don't mean that in a bad way, either. They just haven't voiced their opinion about you. I think they like you, but I'm not sure." Roxanne told her. She shrugged and picked more flowers from the ground.
"It's fine. Between the shit Fred has probably said about me in the past and how I just acted, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't like." Cassiopeia told her. Roxanne took out her phone and pointed it at her.
"You look stunning right now, say cheese." Roxanne said before taking a few pictures. Once her little photo shoot was over, Cassiopeia laid down and looked up at the darkening sky. Roxanne laid down beside her and took her hand into hers.
"Our relationship could end tomorrow or it could end 20 years from now, and frankly I really don't care. All I know is that I really love this feeling I get when you're around and I never want that to go away." Cassiopeia told her while turning her head towards her.
"I don't want it to go away either. I'm so glad that I can finally call myself your girlfriend and I'm going to try my best to keep that title for as long as I can." Roxanne told her before leaning over and giving her a quick kiss on her lips.

A/N: This did not turn out how I wanted it to but here it is! If you guys enjoyed it, thank you for being awesome, lol. I don't know about you guys but I'm actually loving Roxy and Cas together😍

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