Insta - Cassiopeia

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@Cassi.Malfoy: Welcome to my version of Wonderland💫 Pic credits: @Not.Lorcan
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@Scorp.Malfoy: You're just digging a deeper hole for yourself, aren't you?
@Draco: Yes, that's exactly what the fuck she's doing @Scorp.Malfoy
@LilyLuna: That's my girlfriend everyone!!! Just thought you guys should know😍❤️
@Cassi.Malfoy: I love you😂❤️ @LilyLuna
@AlSevPot: I don't even push my parents this far.
@Cassi.Malfoy: 🤷‍♀️ @AlSevPot
@Rosieg.w: Sexy😏😍
@Cassi.Malfoy: 💙💙💙 @Rosieg.w
@Vic.torie: Can I borrow those jeans??
@Cassi.Malfoy: Of course @Vic.torie
@dom.wea: Slay us all why don't you
@Roxy: You are the literal definition of perfection
@alissa.wood: Can I have your hair???
@dom.wea: Same, babe, same @alissa.wood
@Draco: You better be home when I get there.
@Cassi.Malfoy: Yeah, well, I won't be @Draco
@Scorp.Malfoy: What the hell has gotten into you? I mean, you piss dad off all the time, but you never take it this far @Cassi.Malfoy
@lupout: Ah, teenage years. Exactly what I'm NOT looking forward to😭😭
@SiriuslyJames: If that baby is anything like you, good luck😂 @lupout
@Scorp.Malfoy: Wait. Does this have something to do with your text that you sent me last night?
@Cassi.Malfoy: The one that you completely ignored? Nope, not at all. Besides, it's not that big of a deal, apparently @Scorp.Malfoy
@Scorp.Malfoy: Call me, I can talk now.
@Cassi.Malfoy: fuck you🙄 @Scorp.Malfoy

A/N: I'm trying to fit some drama into this but I'm epically failing at it lmao😂 THANK YOU GUYS FOR 10K READS!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL💚

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