DM -- Lily,Cassiopeia&James

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LilyLuna: I'm still mad at you. This doesn't change anything.

SiriuslyJames: I know.

SiriuslyJames: So, how long have you and Cassi been together?

LilyLuna: A couple months.

LilyLuna: Yet, everyone still thinks we just tolerate each other for Scorp and Al.

LilyLuna: But thanks to someone, I can't see anyone until I tell Mum and Dad where I was😒

SiriuslyJames: I'm sorry. But you're 15. You can't lie about where you're going, especially at night. Anything could have happened to you.

SiriuslyJames: Why won't you just come out? Albus came out and they were perfectly fine with it.

LilyLuna: It's not that I don't want to, Cassi doesn't want anyone knowing. She's scared of what her Family might think, hence why Scorp hasn't came out either.

LilyLuna: I have to respect her choices, James.

SiriuslyJames: Scorpius has came out??? Why do you think they always flirt with each other on Instagram???

LilyLuna: No. Albus flirts with him, he responds to it because he's arrogant. Trust me, he assures his family that he's straighter than a ruler.

SiriuslyJames: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.

LilyLuna has added Cassi.Malfoy to the chat.

Cassi.Malfoy: Lils told me she was talking to an actual snake. I needed proof.

SiriuslyJames: I deserved that.

SiriuslyJames: I'll make it up to you guys. I promise.

Cassi.Malfoy: Just don't tell anyone, okay? I'm not ready for anyone to know, especially my dad and grandparents.

LilyLuna: You do realize that your dad is the complete opposite of the stories that goes around, right?

SiriuslyJames: Lily is right. Our parents even said the same thing and they hated each other.

Cassi.Malfoy: I know he's the complete opposite but it doesn't help when people look at me and my brother like we're the spawns of Satan.

Cassi.Malfoy: Besides, my family is very traditional. When my dad finds out that neither of his kids will be continuing the Malfoy blood line, he's probably going to disown us.

LilyLuna: Ummmm, we can continue the blood line perfectly fine?

Cassi.Malfoy: How...?

LilyLuna: Muggle Magic. Aka, Science.

SiriuslyJames: that's my cue to slither away... pun intended.

SiriuslyJames has left the chat.

LilyLuna: Call me and I'll explain it.

Cassi.Malfoy: Okay.

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