Insta - THE END

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@adrian.riddle: "If you're reading this, I'm probably already dead. This is what all of you wanted. All of you wanted me gone. But, don't get too excited. I'm not quite done yet. You see, there's a few people who I'd like to expose before I completely disappear. First up, Scorpius Malfoy.
@Scorp.Malfoy, you were my best friend. You promised me you'd be there for me no matter what. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry, but you failed to keep that promise. I sent you texts pouring my heart out. I told you how suicidal I was. A single conversation probably could have saved me, but you ignored me. I just needed someone. I needed someone to tell me it was going to be okay. I wanted that person to be you. I left you voicemails, crying my heart out and begging you to talk to me. Did they even phase you? I guess I'll never know, Scor. You helped kill me and I hope you live with that for the rest of your life.
Next, @AlSevPot. You know, Scorpius and I were inseparable before you came along. We were the best of friends. Then you came along. You were all that he would talk about and eventually our friendship began to get worse. He spent every minute of his free time with you and completely forgot about me. You stole my best friend, Albus. The only one that ever cared about me, you stole. See you in hell, Al.
Thirdly, You got so mad at me for what I said in that screenshot that Lily posted. Did you even stop and think about the shit you do to me? Every time I'd offer to hang out with you, you turned me down. You never allowed me to be a big sister. You pushed me away constantly. Everyone else in our family is so fucking close and here I am trying so fucking hard with you and I just get turned down. Well, now you don't have to be annoyed by me. Hope you have a good life, lil bro.
Now the lovely, @Vic.torie. Marriage, what a beautiful thing. The unity of two souls that undeniably love each other. Do you love @lupout? Do people that usually love someone cheat on them a month before their wedding day? You told me the night that I caught you being a little whore that you would 'end me' if I said anything. Im dead. I literally have nothing left to lose, darling, so go ahead. End me.
Next, the perfect angel, @Roxy. The literal princess of the family. You hated me and you made it pretty clear. You purposely left me out on shit. You pretended that I wasn't a part of the family, at least that's how you made me feel. You even threw me a hate party. You wanted to get rid of me. Well, great news, love. I'm gone.
Last but not least, @Cassi.Malfoy. You are such a sibling thief. You stole my brother away from me and fed him lies to make him hate me even more. You turned my little brother against me completely. You wanted me out of his life and now you got what you wished for. He's all yours.
- @rosesaredead 🥀"




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