Insta -- Hugo

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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. New best friend because my current one seems to be ignoring me for some reason?
4,890 likes|11 comments

@LilyLuna: I'm not ignoring you??? I've just been trying to avoid everything and everyone. A lot is going on right now. I'm your best friend. You're not suppose to push me away @LilyLuna
@LilyLuna: I'm not pushing you away, Hugo, I just need space right now.
@Rosieg.w: she's going through a lot at the moment according to James. He didn't tell me what though. Just give her space.
@Roxy: Are you okay? @LilyLuna
@freddie2: She lost her brother over a stupid argument, what do you think, @Roxy ?
@LilyLuna: Can you guys just stop asking me if I'm okay? It's getting super annoying. If I was okay, I wouldn't be wanting some space to think for myself, now would I?
@AlSevPot: what a drama queen.
@LilyLuna: Shut up. You told me to stay the fuck away from you, why don't you try doing the same? @AlSevPot
@LilyLuna: if everyone could just leave me alone, that would be greatly appreciated. Whatever, have it your way. We can drift apart if you want, I really don't care anymore @LilyLuna

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