Insta -- Roxanne

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@Roxy: When you ask a simple question and you start a shit ton of drama instead of getting an actual answer🙃🙃🙃9,743 likes|41 comments

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@Roxy: When you ask a simple question and you start a shit ton of drama instead of getting an actual answer🙃🙃🙃
9,743 likes|41 comments

@AlSevPot: it's far from your fault, Rox. A warning would have been nice.
@LilyLuna: Its okay, Roxy. Everyone knows that you can't really control snakes to begin with🤷‍♀️
@Roxy: You know how I feel about them. I'm totally with you guys on this, my brother is just an ass @LilyLuna @AlSevPot
@Roxy: 😚
@freddie2: I have a right to have an opinion about people. I'm not being an ass, I'm being truthful.
@Rosieg.w: @freddie2 @lou.w all three of you were being douche bags. It's one thing to have an opinion about someone but it's another thing to be completely rude to the person's face and make them feel unwelcome. That's considered bullying. I'm surprised Scorpius kept his mouth shut. He doesn't fucking play when it comes to Cassiopeia.
@dom.wea: YAS YOU TELL EM GIRL @Rosieg.w oh my god, shut up. That wasn't bullying, we just had a few innocent questions is all @Rosieg.w
@Scorp.Malfoy: So asking Cassiopeia about our mum's death is considered an innocent question when you know exactly what the fuck happened? That's the last thing she needed on her mind after what she got put through today. Fuck you
@lou.w: It may have slipped our minds🤷‍♂️ @Scorp.Malfoy
@Vic.torie: Dude, this isn't you. Chill the fuck out @lou.w
@SiriuslyJames: Oh my god. This group literally argues about anything and everything smh.
@LilyLuna: They shouldn't have did what they did @SiriuslyJames
@freddie2: You guys are being so fucking ridiculous right now.
@leo.zab: @Scorp.Malfoy that's one fucked up question, is Cas okay?
@Cassi.Malfoy: I'm just peachy @leo.zab
@AlSevPot: @Cassi.Malfoy @Scorp.Malfoy You know we're all here for you guys, right?
@Scorp.Malfoy: We know, babe. We just rather stay to ourselves for the night I think. I love you though💙💙
@AlSevPot: I love you😚💙 @Scorp.Malfoy
@freddie2: See. They're being distant like usual. I told you guys that they're always like that.
@LilyLuna: @freddie2 go fuck yourself👌

A/N: Cassiopeia is usually my favorite but I'm really loving Scorpius and Albus during all this drama😬

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