Insta - Scorpius&Albus//DM

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@Scorp.Malfoy: So here we have a picture of a gay person in bed with a girl. Now, @Rosieg.w wanted me to post this picture and announce that Albus and I are broken up and I'm now with her but that's a huge lie. I'm not with her. She attempted to blackmail me and I figured I'd have some fun with it. Yes, Rose, I may have stole from my dad for idiotic reasons but at least I didn't fucking attack my own cousin for no reason at all. Fuck you. Don't ever try to come between Albus and I again because It'll always be him.
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@Rosieg.w: I actually meant to hit your sister but Roxy got in my way🤷‍♀️
@Rosieg.w: Wait. How did you know about that?
@Scorp.Malfoy: I just had a really good feeling it was you, thanks for confirming it though😊 @Rosieg.w
@Roxy: I hate you so much. I will never forgive you for that @Rosieg.w
@Rosieg.w: The feeling is mutual🤷‍♀️^
@Cassi.Malfoy: I swear, if you ever forgive her I will never speak to you again @Scorp.Malfoy
@Scorp.Malfoy: You don't have to worry about that @Cassi.Malfoy
@freddie2: @harrypotter can you please let me get away with murder just this one time? You'll be my favorite uncle...
@harrypotter: I'm already your favorite so no @freddie2 You're the one that attacked Roxanne? @Rosieg.w
@Rosieg.w: Its not a big deal
@Roxy: Not a big deal??? Maybe I should hit you with that curse and see how you feel. It fucking hurt emotionally and physically. Screw you @Rosieg.w
@Scorp.Malfoy: Just ignore her ass. She's not worth your time @Roxy
@AlSevPot: I love you😭😭😭💙
@Draco: Do you really think I didn't notice? I trusted that you'd eventually come to me about it. We can talk when I get home.
@Scorp.Malfoy: I love you😊💙 @AlSevPot
@Scorp.Malfoy: Okay😕 @Draco
@Cassi.Malfoy: So when Scorp steals you just 'talk' to him but when I do, you become a total crazy person? @Draco
@Draco: Don't start with me @Cassi.Malfoy I always knew there was a reason why I hated my sister lmao😂


@AlSevPot: "Albus

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@AlSevPot: "Albus. Fuck off." -Scorpius while I kept taking pictures of him... but... like... cAN YOU REALLY BLAME ME?!?!!? 😍🤤💙
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@Cassi.Malfoy: He's not dead yet?
@Scorp.Malfoy: Nope. I'm still alive and well... just grounded🙄 @Cassi.Malfoy
@stellaz: Shit. I owe Leo food now😔
@stellaz: Convince your dad to kill your brother so I can get some free food pls @Cassi.Malfoy
@leo.zab: Thats not how these bets work @stellaz
@SiriuslyJames: You guys make me sick
@SiriuslyJames: Just like Vic and Teddy.
@SiriuslyJames: Ugh I hate soulmates🙃 Thats how I feel about you and Stella😏 @SiriuslyJames
@stellaz: STAHP
@Roxy: Why is this us? @Cassi.Malfoy
@Cassi.Malfoy: Because you're obsessed with me😂❤️ @Roxy
@AlSevPot: I'm not ashamed to admit I'm obsessed with you @Scorp.Malfoy
@lupout: This was you last night @Vic.torie 😂❤️
@Vic.torie: Well, duh. Have yoU SEEN YOURSELF?!!!? @lupout
@Rosieg.w: 😒 Do I sense some jealousy in the comments? 😂😂😂
@LilyLuna: Shut up. You're so annoying
@Scorp.Malfoy: Thats you, honey @LilyLuna

Roxy has started a chat!

Roxy: Your Dad is so nice.

Roxy: Tell him I said thank you, please

Cassi.Malfoy: I will. Are you okay?

Roxy: I'm fine. I just can't believe Rose of all people would do that to me. She's my family. Family isn't suppose to hurt you.

Cassi.Malfoy: I know babe. I know that feeling. You trusted her and she let you down.

Roxy: And then she said it wasn't a big deal.

Roxy: That curse literally killed me, well, it felt like it did.

Roxy: I'm sorry I had my dad pick me up though😩

Cassi.Malfoy: Its okay. You wanna be alone, I understand.

Roxy: I love you so much, if I ever lost you, I don't know what I'd do😭

Cassi.Malfoy: You won't lose me, I promise. I love you too💜

A/N: Okay, so I just got an amazing idea for an insight chapter but I'm not sure if you guys would like it. The DM between Roxy and Cas just came out of nowhere so would you guys like me to shed some light on that and fill in the gap between Scorp's post and the DM?

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