03 -- Scorbus

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Albus read the text over and over again trying to process what it said. He glanced over at Scorpius who seemed to be having the time of his life at the moment before he got up and went outside. He sat down on the sand not too far from the water. Roxanne had thrown the small party at the shell Cottage just like any other party they threw.
"You okay?" Albus looked over and noticed Scorpius sitting down beside him.
"Why do you care? You hate me." Albus told him while keeping his eyes fixed on the water.
"I shouldn't have said that. I just hate the way that you're acting. I know you're stubborn and all, but this isn't you. When I found out you made out with that Gryffindor guy, I was pissed and I never wanted to speak to you again but I forgave you. I fucked up. I know that and I'm so sorry that I hurt you, but you're kind of being a prick by dragging this out." Scorpius explained to him. Albus looked down at his hands, still trying to avoid eye contact.
"Okay but you don't have nothing to worry about. You're literally the hottest guy that's ever walked the planet and I would be stupid to choose anyone over you. I, on the other hand, have a lot to worry about. I mean, Rose is extremely attractive. You two would be the most bad ass couple within the wizarding world. You're stupid for choosing me over someone like her, but you do. You're out of my league Scorpius, and I'm honestly waiting for the day you find someone so much better than me." Albus explained to him. Scorpius stayed silent for a few moments after he took in everything he was just told.
"Look at me," Scorpius told him. Albus sighed and looked at him. "If choosing you over Rose, or anyone for that matter, makes me stupid, I'd rather be considered an idiot. You have enough brains for the both of us, anyways. I love you, Albus. You don't have to feel like I'm too good for you because that's bullshit. If anything you're the one that's too good for me. Rose is attractive. Anyone with eyes could see it, but she's my friend. Nothing more. What I did was wrong and I'm sorry." Scorpius explained. Albus smiled at him and nodded.
"I guess I'm sorry to." Albus muttered.
"So, what are we gonna do from here?" Scorpius asked him. Albus shrugged.
"Do you wanna waste a few more years on my complicated ass?" Albus asked him. Scorpius shook his head while laughing.
"Only if you wanna waste a few more on me." Scorpius replied. Albus smiled before pulling Scorpius into a very passionate kiss. Scorpius smiled and pulled away after a few moments.
"I love you, Scorp." Albus told him.
"I love you. This is forever, I promise." Scorpius told him while wrapping an arm around him. "I didn't know you felt that way, though. Why didn't you tell me?" Scorpius asked him.
"I don't know. I figured it wasn't that important. I over reacted about this whole thing because of my damn insecurities. I'm so sorry." Albus replied with a sigh.
"It doesn't matter anymore." Scorpius told him while laying down. Albus smiled and laid down while resting his head on Scorpius's chest.
"I missed this." Albus told him.
"I did to." Scorpius replied. "Can you keep James the second's middle name the same though? It's pretty cool having a snake named after you." Scorpius quickly added.
"I was planning on it." Albus told him. For the rest of the night, they laid in silence while they listened to the water and admired the clear night sky. They both didn't know why or how they could possibly put up with each other, but they did know one thing that was for certain; they simply couldn't live without each other no matter how hard they tried to.

A/N: I feel like this was super sucky, also I'm sorry it's kind of short😕. But here it is. Scorbus is in the clear... for now at least😈 soooooooo, which couple should I ruin next? *insert evil laugh here*. But on a serious note, I'm thinking about doing a character ask! I've always wanted to do one but never did. If you guys would like me to, let me know and I'll give you guys the details for it!

Q: Fav celeb?

A: Ugh, I have so much favorites! My absolute favorite would be Steve Irwin who is my inspiration and the person that made me realize that I want to work with some type of wildlife as a career. I aspire to be like him everyday💚

Q: Favorite couple shipped on Pretty Little Liars?

A: Haleb or Ezria❤️

I got two questions on my last chapter, feel free to answer them also!

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