Insta - James,Lily&Stella

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@SiriuslyJames: When you FINALLY get your own place but you make the mistake of letting a girl decorate your room

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@SiriuslyJames: When you FINALLY get your own place but you make the mistake of letting a girl decorate your room... pls send help.
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@Vic.torie: Haha, nice one @dom.wea
@dom.wea: Wasn't me... @Vic.torie
@AlSevPot: 😒
@SiriuslyJames: Come on, Al. Stop it. I told you that you can come whenever you want. I gave you a bloody key. Stop pouting @AlSevPot
@lupout: He was the same way when I moved out, he'll get over it lmao😂
@AlSevPot: I'm so glad you guys think my sadness is funny. Fuck you guys. You both are dead to me @lupout @SiriuslyJames
@AlSevPot: Also, I'm coming over, but you better not speak to me😒
@lupout: Control your boyfriend @Scorp.Malfoy
@Scorp.Malfoy: I can't. I've already tried. He's just a drama queen. You just gotta accept it😂 @lupout What girl????
@stellaz: That girl would be me. I'm assuming you're the jealous ex? moved onto a knocked up girl, I see. That's a real winner, James🙄 he's not all that great fyi, but by all means, enjoy my leftovers @stellaz
@leo.zab: nO @stellaz
@freddie2: Roxy said 'i fuCKING SHIP IT'
@Cassi.Malfoy: My girlfriend is such a shipping whore🙄❤️ @freddie2
@stellaz: Who even suggested that we were together??? But by all means, I'll for sure enjoy your so called leftovers🤷‍♀️
@SiriuslyJames: Okay @stellaz
@lou.wea: Wait. What just happened? Stella basically said she'd date James and then James said 'okay'. Can you not read? @lou.wea
@leo.zab: NNNNOOOO^ YYYYEEEESSSS @leo.zab


@LilyLuna: I love you

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@LilyLuna: I love you. 😔💙
[Tagged: @lucas.finnigan]



@stellaz: To everyone wondering, yes

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@stellaz: To everyone wondering, yes. I am pregnant. I hit my three month mark a few days ago. I was drunk and being stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. Luckily, my mistake turned into a tiny little blessing. Go ahead and call me whatever you guys want- I don't care. I'm happy the choice I made. Thank you, @leo.zab and my parents, for talking me out of something that I'd regret until the day I die when I was over in America. I owe you. Thank you to anyone who supports me and a huge fuck off to anyone who wants to start shit🤷‍♀️
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@SiriuslyJames: You know I'll support you on this.
@dom.wea: I want cuddle rights!
@Scorp.Malfoy: I call dibs on being the cool uncle @leo.zab
@leo.zab: Get out @Scorp.Malfoy
@Vic.torie: Congrats! If you ever need a break, I'm here☺️❤️
@Nott.Amelia: This is how it should have been done. I can't apologize enough for what I did, but congrats😔 Are you and James together?!!?
@leo.zab: no. leave.
@stellaz: Why do you have to be so butt hurt about my love life? @leo.zab
@leo.zab: Because. I haven't had to kill anyone yet and I wanna keep it that way but if someone hurts you, I'll have to. It's just a big inconvenience.
@SiriuslyJames: You don't have to worry about that... @leo.zab
@AlSevPot: Yeah, have you met JAMES SIRIUS POTTER? He's a literal teddy bear. I don't know how because both of my parents are the exact opposite, but yeah @leo.zab
@SiriuslyJames: Shut up @AlSevPot
@lou.w: You're having a baby out of wedlock??? You disgust me! 😒
@lou.w: Kidding, Congrats!
@freddie2: congrats from Roxanne and I! 💙
@Rosieg.w: Looks like your sister is the easy one lmao @leo.zab
@LilyLuna: 😂^
@leo.zab: Don't even try to start shit with my sister, Rose. I'll fucking ruin you. @Rosieg.w I have all the information you'll need to ruin her ass @leo.zab

A/N: More drama coming soon...🤗

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