Insta - Cassiopeia&Alice//Group Chat

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@Cassi.Malfoy: Since my secret is out, you guys should check out my cover of Skinny Love and the vlog I just posted on my YouTube channel😏 Pic Credits; 💙
[Tagged: @NotLysander @NotLorcan]
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@NotLorcan: #auto-tuned🙄😂
@Cassi.Malfoy: You're not funny @NotLorcan
@Vic.torie: Oh my god it's so good!
@AlSevPot: 👏👏👏 SLAY BBY
@Roxy: 😍😭❤️ you're amazing
@lou.w: I like your version better
@lupout: what he said^
@NotLysander: The only time auto tune is used is when you sing with her😂😂 @NotLorcan
@freddie2: yAS🔥
@dom.wea: 😍😍😍
@Cassi.Malfoy: 😊 you're the amazing one, babe @Roxy
@Scorp.Malfoy: Yup, I'm officially the ugly and untalented sibling🤷‍♂️
@Cassi.Malfoy: Duh, I've been trying to tell you that for years @Scorp.Malfoy I'm such a good photographer😍
@LilyLuna: Can't believe people actually liked that cover😷
@Nott.Amelia: Do you really trust Cas and Lysander together with the history that they have? @Roxy
@Roxy: I trust them completely. The past is in the fucking past, leave it there✌️ @Nott.Amelia
@Draco: Now do your chores like I told you to this morning before I left, please🙄
@Cassi.Malfoy: rUdE @Draco
@Draco: wEiRdO
@Cassi.Malfoy: I love you😂 @Draco
@Draco: I love you to, sweetie. Beautiful video by the way.
@Cassi.Malfoy: Yeah, I don't have a cheating problem like some people🤷‍♀️ @Nott.Amelia


Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I never meant to hurt you💔


SiriuslyJames has opened the 'Bros🖕' chat.

SiriuslyJames: ...hey

AlSevPot: Its 4am. This better be important.

lupout: You're so inconsiderate, Al🙄

SiriuslyJames: Alice cheated on me with Lukas because I'm 'too boring'...

AlSevPot: Where are you?

SiriuslyJames: In my room... why?

lupout: oh shit, does Lily know?

AlSevPot: I'll be home in a few minutes. You obviously need my awesomeness to cheer you up.

SiriuslyJames: I tried to tell her but some how it got turned around to how I'm such a horrible person that our parents should have 'given up' when they had the chance to🙃

SiriuslyJames: Wait, weren't you just complaining about it being 4am, Al?

AlSevPot: ...I was making out with Scorpius😕

AlSevPot: Also, don't listen to our sad excuse of a sister. That's not true and you know it. You're honestly the best big brother(no offense, Teddy). Sure, you've told mum and dad shit I wish you didn't tell them, but you were looking out for me and deep down, I appreciate you for that.

AlSevPot: Well, I don't appreciate you getting me grounded for the whole summer that one year, but that doesn't make you a bad person at all.

lupout: Al is right for once in his life. You're far from a horrible person. Don't let her or Alice get to you. You're far boring, Alice has no clue what she's talking about. As for Lily, she's just a bitch now.

SiriuslyJames: Why am I such a sensitive person? I'm legit crying, I hate it.

AlSevPot: 😂 That's what makes you you, James. You don't deserve this. You have such a good heart and you don't deserve this type of pain.

lupout: you'll find someone who'll appreciate you one day. it just takes time.

SiriuslyJames: Thanks guys

SiriuslyJames: I'm just gonna try to get some sleep. Love you guys

lupout: nightttt 💙

AlSevPot: ...So I can go back to making out with Scorp?

SiriuslyJames: Yes😂

AlSevPot: k. night. love you to.

A/N: I'm really loving the brother bonding moments between Al, James, and Teddy tbh😭 Someone suggested to have Alice cheat on James with Lukas and well, I couldn't resist because I honestly hate James and Alice together. This book is at 20k reads... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL💚

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