06 - Party

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Scorpius was ripped away from his fiancé. He let out a groan over the music and turned towards an angry looking Roxanne. He raised his eyebrows at her.

"What was so important that you needed to ruin my snogging session?" Albus asked her. Roxanne simply rolled her eyes and pulled Scorpius by the arm, away from the crowd. You see, before each school year, someone throws a back to school party. This year, Albus took the honors and threw the party at the Shell Cottage.

"Seriously, Roxanne, what is this? Some kind of intervention?" Scorpius asked once they had joined part of the Weasley and Potter gang next to a small cliff.

"I see you and Albus were too busy snogging and haven't seen the video." Roxanne stated while crossing her arms.

"What video?" Albus asked, finally joining the group.

"Oh, just Cassiopeia shagging some guy. My guess is Lysander." Roxanne informed the two.

"Oh shit." Scorpius and Albus muttered in unison.

"But something just doesn't feel right about this. We haven't heard what she has to say about it." Hugo spoke up. Roxanne rolled her eyes at him.

"Come on, Hugo! You can't be serious! Of course she's going to lie about it!" Roxanne shouted.

"I fucking hate that guy." Scorpius announced.

"Oh and look who's coming this way." Lily announced.

"Well, this should be interesting." Teddy added as the group turned to see Cassiopeia and the Scamander twins walking towards them.

"I've been looking for you." Cassiopeia informed Scorpius before continuing, "Lysander and Lorcan are taking me home. I don't feel all that great." She added.

"You don't feel all that great? Come on, Cas. We all seen the video." Roxanne butted in. Cassiopeia turned towards her and raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"What video?" She asked her.

"You literally sent it to the group chat 30 minutes ago, Cas. The one with you and, I'm assuming, Lysander shagging." Roxanne informed her while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Your assumption, Roxanne, is wrong. We're friends. That's it." Lysander informed her. Roxanne rolled her eyes.

"On the bright side, my camera still works." Lorcan announced with a smile.

"Dude, now is not the fucking time." Lysander told him.

"We can talk about this later. I'm going home. I don't want to be here." Cassiopeia said with a sigh.

"If you want to go home so bad, I'll take you home. As for you, why don't you just stay the hell away from my sister?" Scorpius asked Lysander.

"What the hell, Scorp? You don't choose who I'm friends with. And like I said, they're taking me home, not you." Cassiopeia told him. Scorpius shook his head.

"Oh trust me, Cas. When Dad finds out about this video he will agree with me." Scorpius told her.

"Show him the video and I'll never speak to you again and I fucking mean it." Cassiopeia told him.

"I can't believe you, Cas. I trusted you." Roxanne said. Cassiopeia turned to her and sighed.

"I'll explain everything, I promise. Just please give me time." Cassiopeia told her. Before Roxanne could even get a word out, she was rudely interrupted.

"Holy shit. Guys, I think we may have a bigger issue." Lorcan announced. Everyone looked at him, clearly confused. He was a couple feet away from the group in the water. "Someone call for help. It's Rose." He quickly added.

"Rose? As in my sister?" Hugo asked him. Lorcan bent down and picked up the girl and carried her to the shoreline. Scorpius quickly pulled out his phone called for help while the others just stared. After just a few minutes, just about everyone had gotten a notification from Instagram.

"This just proves that you'll just feed me lies about what really happened, Cas. I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore." Roxanne told Cassiopeia after locking her phone.

Every single one of them went to this party for an amazing time, instead they left there being completely changed forever.

A/N: One more update. One more and this book is over. I'm so excited yet sad. I really hope you guys stick around for the sequel. I know this isn't my best chapter and it's pretty crappy but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Some shit is about to go down in the next update. Stay tunedddddd ☺️❤️

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