24 | Believer

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I will! I will give him a chance.. He deserves one chance to prove himself. Anika was right. I was sitting in my room, inside my house.
I got down my bed. I had to go to the CID Bureau and tell him that he had one last chance to prove his love for me.

I was soon in the Bureau and into his cabin. He was busy with scribbling something on paper.
"Abhay I need to tell you something. ", I begun.
He nodded his head, clearly inattentive to me.
" I want to give you one last chance.", at this his eyes shot up and he gave me a sharp cold look.

He stopped writing and stood up.
"Chance? You are giving me a chance Ms. Roy Chaudhary? ", he said. The voice wasn't disbelief, it was filled with old pain.
" Yes. ", I replied with courage.
" Why after all this time? Why after I have quite learnt how to stay alive without really living? I had asked for a chance before this also, I'd you'd remember. You denied. And now you want to give me a chance? ", he said, he was in much more pain than I had thought. He was not just wounded but scarred.

" I didn't give you a chance then, but now I give you. One last time you can make me yours forever. ", I replied, I could feel my heart thumping rapidly in my chest.
I drew in a sharp breath and smiled, a small which had not even an ounce of happiness.
" Ms. Nandini Roy Chaudhary wants to give me one last chance. But.. But the thing is what would I have to do for you My Highness? What? ", he said modulating his voice as though he was a servant.
It hurts.. It had hurt to leave him.. And it hurts even now.. It will, forever.

" Fine. If you don't want to prove yourself you don't need to. It's over. ", as I was about to leave I felt a painful grip on my arm.
" Leave me! ", I shouted knowing the person who's grip it was.
He drew closer until I was able to feel his breath on my shoulder.
He said in a soft voice,
" I hate the phrase 'It's Over'. You know why? Because you think that using its over is going to end this all.. But believe me Nandini love is one such thing which doesn't end on Its Over. "
Tears streamed down my eyes, not because of his words but his tough grip.
He slowly left my hand as I pulled it to myself and held it tightly. It was paining heavily.

" Did that hurt? ", he asked mercilessly.
" It hurts me also.. It's just that others cannot see it. ", saying so he moved away.

What had become of him just within five years? He had become someone I never thought he was! His merciless behavior.. What's wrong with him?!
I turned to look at him sitting in his seat, back to scribbling things on the paper.
Was I really going to leave him that way and prove myself to be worse than an enemy?

"If you were to die for someone.. Who would you die for? ", I asked him.. Unsure of my words.
" The Girl I had fallen in love with in Class 6.", came his instant reply.
A smile spread across my face.
"But if you are asked to kill her? ", I asked him.
" She's already dead.. You are not her.. She loved me, she cared for me.. My survival.. She knew that if she left me I'd suffer.. She knew I got jealous when she walked around with Yuvraj.. She knew it all but she was shy. You are not her.. And yes, she didn't lie to me. ", saying so he instantly pulled out his gun aiming at me and completed,
" You lie.. You are not here to give me a chance, you are here to avenge your husband's death.. Aren't you? ", he said smirking wickedly as he looked at my hairline and said,
" Parting your hair in the other way doesn't hide your vermillion. I may be a Believer of Love.. But I have something called intelligence, girl."

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