6 | First Meeting Or Last

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Nandini's POV :
I slowly opened my eyes.. It was dark and my mouth was tied by a cloth.. My hands and legs too were not capable of taking my body weight.. I felt sick, unwell... Everything..
I tried to shout for help when I heard the sound boots.. I knew who it was.. I would be killed.. I.. I didn't have a choice except that.. God send some angel.. Please..

Abhay's POV :
At last my Anika is back home.. Still not capable of holding herself up but at least she'll be fine in a few days.

I wanted to find Nandini anyhow... I wanted to shoot her on sight.. She was the cause of all of my Anika's misery..
I slowly walked into Anika's room.. She was trying to get some water from the jug so I handed it to her.
" Abhay believe me it wasn't Nandini.. ", she said.
I didn't say anything.. I just kept quiet and walked away.

Just then my phone buzzed.
I picked it up.
" Mr. Rathore where are you? ", asked the gruff male voice of the commissioner.
" Yes sir. Actually there was a problem but now it's fine.. Command, sir. ", I said.
" Great.. Let me tell you Mr. Abhay you need to catch hold of a terrorist gang as soon as possible.. They are dangerous and Sahil seems to be their head. I hope you will rise above your personal matters.. ", he said.
" Sahil? Sir, you are aware of the fact that nothing for me is before than my country's security. I'll get hold of them as soon as possible. ", I replied and hanged up.

Sahil Agarwal.. I remembered him well.. He used to once be our very own classmate.
Rich but not a very big show off.. At least.. He was one of my best friends but now.. Now I don't know what is wrong with him.?!
He had joined terrorism to take revenge from me..!
Why? Because Anika was in love with me..? Isn't that so very stupid?! Like even I could become a terrorist and ho on killing Yuvraj, Oh you don't know him.
He is the guy who would always hang around Nandini and she seemed to enjoy his company! My jealousies begin from him. At times I felt like doing a Sectumsempra on him, don't tell me you don't know what that is. It's a spell from the Wizarding World and I really wish it was true!

Nevertheless I set out.
I called Rakesh.. He was my spy..
He informed me that Sahil was in hiding in a godown.. Somewhere out of the city.

I took the rifle from my drawer and was soon out. I sat on my bike and drove off to the godown, as soon as possible.

Nandini's POV :
He slowly walked towards me and knelt on one knee. He had a wicked smile plastered on his face. He slowly started running his fingers over my face when I moved it.
" What are you doing Nandini? ", he asked trying to be friendly.. When I knew he wasn't.
I kept my face away from him.
" Waiting for your Abhay? ", he said in a pitiful voice.
" Oohoo.. So sad you know.. He isn't Chandragupta Maurya that he will come for you running on a horse.. No no no.. He won't come for you... Nandini.. He won't. ", he continued saying in a pitiful voice.
At last from somewhere I got strength and I said,
" Sahil.. He will. He is my Abhay..I his Nandini.. He will come either on a horse or the carriage of your death.. It's the same thing! ", I said.
He gave me a death look.
I knew he was going to shoot me.. He took out the rifle and aimed it at me...
" Sahil! ", screamed a strong manly voice...
From the dark emerged a man with a highly built body, half leather jacket and jeans.. With a rifle with shiny metal.
" Abhay.. ", the word escaped from Sahil's mouth but not in fright but in a dangerous way...
Was it our first meeting or last?

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