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Chapter 21 

Where am I? What happened? Am I...am I alive? Those were the only thoughts that rang in MJ's head. She sat up from where she was lying. Peering around the room, MJ was startled by the sound of high heels on a wooden floor. She opened her eyes wider and noticed she was sitting in the corner or a room. "What is going on in here?" someone demanded.

MJ jumped at the person's voice. Her vision cleared and she saw the person was standing next to a little girl, probably around six-years-old. The adult next to her was wearing a purple cape. It fluttered in the wind. "It's a birthday party," the little girl said. "And I wasn't invited."

"Is that right?" The woman looked over the balcony, glaring at the people beneath her. MJ wondered who they were, and more importantly, where she was. She looked to her right, where there was a bed, covered in purple satin covers. MJ noticed a vanity, then her eyes widened a bit. There were perfume bottles, similar to the ones in her mother's old room. Was this a coincidence? MJ sighed and stood up, brushing the dust off her pants. She looked back at the woman and young girl. 

"Nevertheless, Evil Queen and her horrid progeny will learn soon enough from their spiteful little mistake!" the woman yelled. 

MJ's heart thumped harder than usual when she heard Evil Queen's name. Did she say what I think she just said? MJ thought, E-Evil Queen? Okay, that's just a coincidence, right?  MJ's thoughts were interrupted by the woman yelling again. "This celebration is over! Now, shoo, flee, and scatter, like the little fleas you are! And you! Evie Queen and your daughter! From now on, you are dead to the entire island! You do not exist! You are nothing! Never show your faces anywhere ever again! Or else!"

A few seconds passed before the woman stalked away, leaving the girl by herself on the balcony. Once the woman was gone, MJ walked up behind the little girl. She slowly made her way to the terrace, then walked out and stood beside the girl. MJ guessed no one could see her, considering the woman hadn't noticed her in the room. 

"Evie, darling, hurry!" a woman dressed in indigo said, grabbing a blue-haired girl's hand. The girl looked back up at the balcony where MJ and the little girl were. She looked terrified. MJ turned to the girl next to her. She had the same color hair as her as she did, luscious and violet Her eyes were green, with little tints of gold. Wait a minute...Evil Queen, blue-haired girl, a party-hating mother. It all made sense. MJ stared at the girl, tears forming in her eyes. "Mom?"

It was her mother, just younger. You don't know how badly she wanted to hug her. MJ wiped a tear from her cheek. "Mom, please, you have to help me. Please."

Her mother went back inside the room, sitting on her bed. She lied down on her pillow and stared up at her canopy. MJ followed inside. As she walked, her foot began to sparkle with green magic. When her other foot  her hand out toward her mother. "Mom! Help! Please!" The green was up to MJ's torso. "Mom!" she yelled once more, before her hand and the rest of her body were covered by the green. She saw nothing after that. 


Ella had woken up hearing yelling from someone. The person's voice sounded angry, but was also had a luscious tone. Ella cleaned her glasses, then, once she put them on, her dark eyes widened. She was standing in the middle of what looked like a birthday party. Where am I? she thought as a disk flew passed her face. A young...but unusually hairy boy ran passed her. Ella cocked an eyebrow. Why is that kid so hairy? Isn't he like...six? She ignored the thought and heard more yelling. When she looked up, a gasp came from her mouth. A woman with a purple robe and, yup, horns, was yelling at the people that were at the birthday party. 

"This celebration is over!" the woman with horns yelled. 

Ella shook her head, to tell herself that it wasn't who she thought it was. It's not her. It's not her. It's not--

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