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Chapter 24

Down the halls the four teenagers ran, the brave dragon-blooded girl leading the group. Ella, Jayden, and CJ followed every turn that MJ made. Through every hallway, every exhibit, the four passed it and ran.

"Where is she leading us?" Jayden asked, turning a sharp corner.

Ella shrugged. "I don't know, but I think I'm going to pass out."

He immediately stopped running, concerned about his ex's well-being. "Oh. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah... I'm just... kinda... I don't feel good."

CJ noticed that his two friends had stopped running, so he turned back to the two. "Why'd we stop?"

"No reason. Just go up with Grape," Jayden answered, knowing that CJ wasn't going to argue because of his crush. 

And he was right, because the white-tip-haired boy turned around and ran up to MJ without any hesitation. Jayden then turned back to Ella. "Can you walk anymore? I could carry you on my back."

"You don't have to," Ella answered. "I-I'm okay." Her cheeks turned red, showing that she was nervous.

Jayden put his hand out. "I insist. You shouldn't have to feel any pain."

The blue-haired girl smiled and took his hand. He bent down and she jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You good?" he asked.

Ella nodded. "Better than ever."

Jayden carried her to where MJ and CJ were, which was in front of a giant gate. CJ turned to the two, his eyebrows rising in surprise. "Woah. Are you guys back together?" After hearing the question, the young boy cringed at his words. He hadn't meant to make it awkward.

Luckily, Jayden and Ella didn't think it was awkward. In fact, they looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. "Nope," Jayden replied, "we're just friends."

"Best friends," Ella added.

CJ smiled at the two. "That's great. So-" He turned to MJ. "-what do we do?"

The purple-haired girl looked up at the gate. She remembered seeing the same details before, which meant that they were going the right way. So, taking a deep breath, the young princess opened the gate and went through. Her friends followed behind, CJ being polite enough to hold the door open for both Jayden and Ella.

Once they were in the next room, the group paused once they saw the bright blue light that shined in the middle of the room. Their eyes widened once they noticed what they were looking at. "The wand," Ella said.

Suddenly, the gate opened again, and this time, Jay was the first to come in. His fellow VKs followed behind him.

"Follow me," MJ said, gesturing for her friends to hide behind a plant with her. Although she knew their parents couldn't see them, she still thought being hidden was a good idea, just to be safe. 

A smile came on the princess's face when she saw the way her mother looked at the wand. It seemed that everything in the world was going to be perfect (which it was, but she didn't know that yet) once they grabbed the wand. Unfortunately, Jay, being the greedy dude he was, decided to just go on and reach for the wand. He was surprised with the sound of a loud siren going off.

The Juniors covered their ears as they watched their parents run away, empty handed. Once they got up from behind the plant, MJ knew that they couldn't just leave. They had to take the wand. And luckily, she had someone who was able to.

"CJ!" she shouted over the siren. "Grab the wand!"

"But-but there's a forcefield," he replied. 

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