Date [21]

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"Babeeee," Lisa whined, shuffling a little just so she could hug me tighter. I looked up at her bare face and smiled.

"Good morning," I whispered, giving her a quick peck on the lips. She returned it with a huge grin on her face. She reached over to the bed stand next to my bed and grabbed her phone. She chuckled softly, looking at her phone screen.

"Jennie's gonna murder me," she muttered, running her thin fingers through her orange hair.

"And Jisoo's gonna slap me," I responded, moving a little so I could share the view of her phone. She clicked on the messages, showing all her past texts.

Jendeukie💓: Where are you?

Jendeukie💓: Are you with Chaeyoung?

Jendeukie💓: It seems like your going to school yourself

Jendeukie💓: Oh my god WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU

Jendeukie💓: I'm gonna slap you when I see you later

Jendeukie💓: Fight you, correction

Jendeukie💓: How great! You're not in school and Chaeyoung isn't too!

Jendeukie💓: You better run cause imma stab you in the heart later

Jendeukie💓: Hey are you okay?

Jendeukie💓: Omg maybe you got killed

Jendeukie💓: Shit if you're dead Mrs Manoban will kill me

Jendeukie💓: FREAKING REPLY ME...?

Jendeukie💓: You're getting out of my house

Jendeukie💓: I'm gonna call your mom

Jendeukie💓: Hey are you alive?

Jendeukie💓: God why am I worrying?


Jendeukie💓: You sleepy asswipe

"You should call her to tell you you're okay," I said, squeezing her cheeks. She nodded.

"Later," she muttered, stroking my cheek. I took her phone from her hands and she let me. Seems like she's faithful to let her Girlfriend go through her phone.

"Why don't I have a heart and Jennie has?" I asked, looking at her with a pout.

"Because I don't edit my contacts after I save them?" She replied. "Well, I'll change it if you want," she continued, grabbing the iPhone and typed something. She turned the phone screen to me with a smirk.


"You're such a pervert!" I exclaimed, hitting her playfully, trying to wriggle out of her embrace but that only made her tighten her grip on me.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked, tickling me. I flinched but giggled.

"L-Lisa! Stop i-it!" I yelled between giggles. She kissed my forehead before stopping.

"I love you," she said, smiling.

"I love you more," I answered, pinching her nose.

"Not possible," She challenged.

"Yes possible," I answered. She moved in and placed her lips onto mine, moving them slowly. I moved mine in the rhythm with hers, smiling against her lips. I felt myself melting into her, my heart was giggling happily, as if sending me a signal that it was happy with the both of us. We parted reluctantly as we needed to catch our breath.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Let's go for brunch," I said, resting my forehead on hers. She nodded and slapped my butt, motioning me to the bathroom. I slipped into the bathroom and stepped into the shower, letting the water fall on my back as I shampooed my hair and body. After, I dried myself and came out of the bathroom to get dressed.

"Let's go," I said, moving out of the room with Lisa behind me. After we both stepped out, I locked the door and Lisa got into her car. We pulled up at the nearby restaurant and ate our breakfast, then heading back into her car.

"Where to?" I asked, looking at the girl who had a proud smile plastered on her face.

"It's a secret," she said, focusing on the road. I'm always worried when she goes,"It's a secret" or "I'm not gonna tell you," because it always ends up too cute for me to handle. I pouted a little, trying to get her to spill. She remained silent.

The drive seemed to take forever, until she pulled up at the beach. I was a little confused of why she brought me here but still, I got out of the car and walked side by side with her. Intertwining our fingers, she smiled.

"You love the beach, don't you?" Lisa asked, looking over at me. I nodded and looked at her fondly.

"You know me best," I replied, giving her a quick kiss. "Thank you," I whispered before pulling out. We then walked towards the sand and took our slippers off, stepping on the warm yet relaxing sand. She wriggled her toes into the sand, then started to jump.

"Shit! The sand is so hot!" Lisa yelled, running towards the sea. I chuckled and followed behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

"I can't believe I'm dating a kid," I muttered, resting my head on her shoulders. She turned around to face me, snaking her long arms around my waist, resting her forehead on mine as she looked at me with a smile on her face. I slipped my hands into the back pockets of her shorts, returning the smile.

"I love you... so much," she mumbled, caressing my cheek with her thumb. She moved in, slowly fluttering her beautiful eyes close, waiting for me to respond. I moved in too, capturing her lips. I swear, I'll never get over the taste of her lips. They just taste unreasonably good and every time she kissed me, the world seem to stop. The way she held me will always comfort me and her soft scent will always fill my nose. All I could take in was her scent, nothing else.

Is this what bliss feels like?

"Nobody has loved anybody more than I love you," I remarked, still letting my arms fall from her nape.

"What if... life breaks us apart?" she asked, looking a little serious.

"Then I'll break life!" I responded.

"Promise me, you'll never do anything unfaithful," she murmured.

"And you promise me you'll never leave," I answered. We both hooked our pinkies then burst out laughing.

"But seriously though, don't you dare leave," I said, pulling her shirt to bring her closer. She chuckled.

"I, Lalisa Manoban, will never leave you, Miss Park Chaeyoung," her voice was serious. With that, she pulled me into her chest, caressing my hair while I rested against her chest, letting the waves wash our feet. She gave my forehead a little kiss, then stared far off into space.

Oh Lalisa Manoban, you'll never know how much you mean to me.

a/n: i still can't get over the fact that lisa will be so mean in the next few chapters... 😕 OH and sorry for the wait🙏🏻 i love you guys so much💕

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