It's not a chapter but please read it

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Sooo whatzup guys????

Seperti judulnya it's not a chapter.Disini aku cuma mau sekedar sharing aja.Soo kalian pasti udah mendengar kabar tentang PURPOSE TOUR JAKARTA KAN?

I don't know how to express my feeling about that news.Like I'm fucking happy and excited but in the same time i feel so empty.Yeah my wallet is sooo empty.Well it's kind a nice news if they announcement 1 year ago.So we can spend a whole year to saving our money.Like I said before i really really happy about Justin concert in Jakarta but once again I don't have money:( Please don't do this to me J:( and I'm pretty sure it's not cheap.So are u guys have an advice to get a lot of money with just one week?:( I'm soo hopeless😭

Okay enough with me.Don't judge me please.Aku cuma mengeluarkan uneg uneg aja kokk.Soo chill guys.

Jadii kalian sendiri gimana?Ada yang udah prepare buat nonton?Atau malah udah siap banget tinggal cus beli tiketnya?Kalau kalian mau curhat kayak yang aku lakuin diatas juga boleh lohh HAHAHA

Yukk penuhin comment dengan cerita kalian pas tau Purpose Tour on Jakarta hehehe

But seriously guys I'm so sad.I think I can't buy the ticket:(

Btw next chapter bakal rilis secepatnya guyss!hehe

Much love,

My Secret Husband (Justin Bieber Fanfict)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang