Chapter 7

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Aaron had his eyebrows drawn together as he tried to get Diana into the car

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Aaron had his eyebrows drawn together as he tried to get Diana into the car. She was to busy trying to fall asleep wherever she was and that was proving a problem. Hopefully if she slept for most the day - she'd be awake for tonights events.

Where his brother and sister would use the Lyśtra to their own personal, morbid gain. Kali wanted to use her body as a weapon - mainly because she sucked in close combat. "Dia, please get into my car."

"When did you car get here?" She asked, pulling herself to stand up. "I'm only coming because you used my nick name and please." She grabbed his hand, sighing he let her do it. "Wow - nice car." She said eyeing it.

"Don't get used to it." He muttered - after all, it wasn't a real car. But she didn't need to know that.

"Grumpy in the morning?" She teased, climbing into the passenger seat. "Comfy." She wriggled in the seat. "I like." She smiled.

"It's older than you." He scoffed. "And the springs stabbing me in the ass." He shifted - knowing the car was being annoying.

"Don't be mean." She snorted, looking at him like he was an idiot.

The car seemed to ease smoothly whenever Diana insulted me - or uninsulated me. 'Stupid car.' He thought - obviously the car enjoyed the mortal girl.

"What do you want from Opal and her friends?" She asked, twirling a piece of hair.

"A book - after that her life." He shrugged, brushing off his own weird answer. She seemed to take it seriously - before she broke out into a grin - laughing.

"You're adorable." She giggled - her brown boots were on her feet, one shoe lace undone. But Aaron was rigid - she had called him adorable.

"I am not adorable." He growled, angry that she giggled at that. "You are infuriating."

"Wow - big word pretty boy." She giggled.

He didn't know why she kept calling his human form that. If he saw her in the Batasille form she wouldn't call him pretty at all. Menacing and evil - hideous. Not Adorable or pretty boy.

That's when she sent him a wink. And by gods it was a flirty wink that had him nearly loose control of the car. She actually looked attractive and - she was a good flirt.

Two could play at this game. "Don't do that princess." She smiled - not what he wanted. But, there was one pet name that would have any mortal girl falling to her knees. "Don't laugh at me kitten." His voice purposely went deep and colour flooded to her cheeks. "Why are you acting like that? Nobody ever called you kitten before?"

"Well - pet names aren't a big thing, you should be honored you got one." She laughed nervously.

"Don't be nervous." He chuckled darkly, hand going to her upper thigh. He was evil after all - there would be no way he would be a gentleman of any sort. He was the spawn of evil - mistaken for spawn of the devil.

"You're being fun now." She giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek. His smirk fell - she needed to stop being - weird.

"Sit back." He shoved her in the seat, hearing her giggle in surprise at the roughness. She was going to get hurt one day - he just knew it. She was to trusting - where she should be trembling in fear. She let a monster sleep in her room. And she made him dinner - breakfast and kissed him on the cheek.

To be fair he never did give her a reason not to trust him - oh wait, he held a knife to her throat. He glared at her when she winked at him. And many other horrid things.

"Can we go on a date?" She asked out of the blue as he pulled up to the cinema.

"I thought that was what we were doing?" He played coy, pinching her hip before climbing out the car. Why he did that, he had no idea.

If any of the other Batasille saw what he was doing, they would try to kill her - and probably him. Being this close to a human in his kind was considered wrong. Not to mention he was trying to kill one of her school friends. Opal.

"Yay! A date with pretty boy." She jumped out the car.

Aaron caught the attention of Opal and Josh, smirking as Diana grabbed his hand. Cockily, Aaron let Diana drag him into the cinema complex.

One date with her and she would see he was bad news - evil. He didn't know why he wanted her to fear him so much - or maybe he wanted her to see who he really is before she even thought to make a decision.

He could smell it - peoples emotions.

And so many men and women were in love with her. And she was leading them all on. The little flirt.

Aaron could feel Opal and Josh following them their gazes on the two who were waiting in line to purchase their tickets. "Are they following us?" Diana asked, looking up at him.

"I think so." He lied effortlessly. "They think I'm going to kill you."

"I knew you weren't, secretly you like me." She smirked up at him.

"Undoubtedly." He rolled his eyes.

"Well - do something that'll give it bit of a flare." She smirked.

"Good idea." He congratulated, bringing his hand back to smack her on the backside, making a loud sound She lurched forward in surprise hand fall to where he'd smacked her - her face heating up. Surprise and shock written across her face. He smiled - he again was getting the upper hand in their dispute.

"I - uh." She stuttered, no idea what to say as her face continued to become a dark red.

"So, want to go make out in the dark?" He teased, watching her blink up at him.

"Uh - yeah, okay." She nodded over enthusiastically.

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