Chapter 8

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Diana was still blushing as she took her seat beside Aaron - the sexy beast had just slapped her arse after all

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Diana was still blushing as she took her seat beside Aaron - the sexy beast had just slapped her arse after all. Nervously, Opal and Josh snuck past them to sit behind them - after all, they thought Diana was under Aarons control. But unknown to them his powers weren't working - he can't force her to do something that she is... well, going to do. You can't really make someone do what someone is already doing.

The movie had started, the ads anyway. Diana leant over to Aaron. "Babe why are you so hesitant?" To a mortal - she would sound like a fuckgirl or a player.

"Don't babe me. And I not hesitating, I want nothing to do with you." He told her firmly.

"That's not what this date says." She snickered, pressing a kiss to his neck. He shoved her away. "Oh Aaron." She mocked a condescending tone. "What's wrong with a mortal?" She teased, again kissing his neck.

"Stop." He demanded through gritted teeth. She was getting on his nerves - by how much he didn't mean the words that had flown out of his mouth. 'More like don't stop.' He thought. No, she was a mortal and all he was going to do for her was not kill her. So he said something he wish he could mean - "Later." And it made her stop, a smile on her face as she turned back to the movie screen.

How one word had worked on her made him sit back and relax with ease. Except there was a thrumming in his blood - he hadn't been able to keep to his word a lot these days because of this little mortal. But as if remembering she was human he stopped - then he started.

A night with her wouldn't be frowned upon - a relationship yes. Feelings yes. But lust - lust could be over looked.

Aaron dared a look in her direction.

Maybe a few nights with her - there would be no way to apreciate or do everything he wanted to her. He had a way with words - powers or not - to make a woman crawl into his bed. But a human - he hadn't seen one of her kind before naked. Batasille were different, they had Intercourse and had to with the same person for the rest of their life. But he never found another Batasille appealing - which led to a lot of suspicion from fellow kin. He had seen other women, Batasille, who threw themselves at him naked, but never touched them. No urge or desire. But after spending a long time in the human realm - studying and watching - he wanted to see what it was like for a human.

Although Diana didn't seem the type to let him in her bed that easily. Or in that way.

After all, monsters belong in closets and under the bed.

Diana started fidgeting - she must have known the end of the movie approached. The movie he had spent observing Diana - every move - every inch of her face that moved in response to the movie. Of course he also kept a gaze on Opal and Josh. The two had sometimes lost concentration as they were focused on each other or a part in the movie - 'this is why bad guys were better.' Aaron thought bitterly.

Turning his attention to the screen, the two main characters kissed.

This sparked some sort of thing with a few couples sitting around - as they to started kissing.

Diana hadn't noticed, but she turned to Aaron. "Is it later now?"

Aaron couldn't stop her as she latched onto him. Her lips pressed to his. Her lips were glossy and soft - warm. Her lips were inviting - so he had a taste. Her lips were sweet - no doubt from her lip balm. Her hands gripped his shirt tightly - not letting him get away. So Aaron did th only logical thing, he gripped the pretty girls hips harshly. She bit down on his lip in response. Taking the order, his grip became tight - but not harsh.

The kiss might have been nothing - it might have been to spook Opal and Josh.

But he wouldn't admit it - perhaps later to her - but he would never admit that he was the one who didn't pull away. That he very much enjoyed his lips against hers. Something uncommon in the Batasille realm.

And for someone who only flirted - damn the gods she was a good kisser.

Unfortunately she needed air, and pulled away, forcibly. "For someone who wanted a kiss so badly - you sure aren't eager enough." He slowly drew in breaths, trying not to show how his body shook. And it wasn't lust he felt.

Panting, Diana tried to get her reply out. "I - I - wow." She continued to try to catch her breath.

"Try breathing out of your nose next time." He said, rising from his seat. "Ready to go? We have to get ready for tonight." He was speaking a lot more, he realised. Perhaps he was filling the gap for the still breathless blonde. And realisation sat in, she was going to be used as a battering tool later. At least he was going to spare her life - it was completely definitely now after she had kissed him like that.

"Okay." She nodded her head. "I'm ready to go again." She looked up at him, eyes flickering between his lips and eyes. He looked around, if he kissed her again he was going to be left with Opal and Josh to deal with.

'It will be easy to deal with them.' He thought to himself. "Why not." He pressed his lips to hers again.

She responded instantly, standing on the balls of her feet as her arms hooked around his neck, lips sliding against each other. This time - Aaron pried open her mouth with his tongue.

She was confident when it came to everything else - confident when flirting, confident when talking, walking. Confident with closed mouth kissing.

But she obviously didn't know what to do with French kissing. And because Aaron was of French dissent, hence Batasille, he was rather excellent.

So his hand went to the small of her back, taking it slower for her.

Pleased, she tested her new found waters, her own tongue nervously copying what his had done before.

He definitely wasn't going to kill her tonight. And gods protect anyone else who tried, whether they be friend or foe.

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