Chapter 3

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Diana had no idea what was going through her friends mind when she said that Aaron was not attractive

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Diana had no idea what was going through her friends mind when she said that Aaron was not attractive. The boy was simply heaven on Earth and she couldn't get enough of him. Sure his hispanic friend was smoking as - but nothing could compete to the looks Aaron gave off.

And that was exactly why Diana was walking back to school - Ellen hot on her heels. "Go home Elle." Diana shot over her shoulder.

"Fine, but if you get mugged and shot and are bleeding out in the school parking lot - may your last thought be of me being right." Ellen huffed, turning briskily on her heel.

"May all your bacon burn." Diana shot back, continuing to walk ahead. Ellen gnawed on her lip, debating whether or not to follow after her friend.

Diana was sure she wasn't getting into anything to serious - considering Aaron would have hurt her already if he wanted to. And he hadn't. And he was super attractive and Diana wanted a piece of that.

But something else seemed to pull Diana to the school - to follow Aarons orders. Perhaps - this was one of Ellens stories - maybe he had some power to lure her and control her.

Diana felt a chill in her body as she didn't necessary push the thought aside.

When Diana snapped back to reality, she was standing in the school parking lot, right in between the four blondes plus Opal and Aaron with his hispanic friend - although an unfamiliar tall girl with cloudy blonde hair stood beside them with a wicked grin. She held a knife.

"Diana." Opal gasped, quickly taking a step towards the blonde girl. "Diana you have to listen to me - they're evil, you need to come to me, Josh promised to protect you." The red headed girl wasn't making sense to the blonde, whose eyes flashed to Aaron.

Aarons mouth tightened - spotting the lack of hesitation that was in Dianas gaze.

She was going to choose him.

Aaron supposed that this girl was undoubtedly stupid as she started to shuffle towards him. Aaron wasted no time in grabbing the blonde and pushing her back against his chest, his own knife poised at her throat. He wanted to dive it deeper when she stayed relaxed against his chest. "Stupid, stupid girl." He hissed into her ear.

He was going to have fun gutting her - if her mere stupidity wasn't amusing.

The only annoying thing about her was her loose blonde hair was tickling his nostrils which continuously caused him to twitch.

Josh and his brothers eyed the others in alarm - watching as Aaron held a knife to an innocent.

Aaron smirked widely knowing that if any of them saw his true form - they'd lose their precious Opal.

And Diana wouldn't be so calm. The small blonde would twist in fear - begging for her life.

But - in anger - something stopped him, perhaps it was because he didn't want the girls blood on his hands where it could easily be traced back.

Unlike the man he murdered a few days prior.

The police are on the fence of it being a murder or a wild animal.

But with some of Aarons persuasion powers, it would be labeled as an animal attack.

The same persuasion powers he had used on Diana - at first he thought he hadn't worked - not having seen her pupils dilate in response to his magic. But she had shown up - willingly. And the stupid girl was now relying on him to keep her alive.

That thought alone made him want to kill her.

To feast on her slowly dying body - taste her mortality.

Squirming - he found himself wanting to taste something else. Something forbidden to his kind.

Her lips stayed neutral as her baby blue eyes roamed the school - remaining oblivious to the conversation being had. His powers preventing her from wanting to listen.

"Let her go Aaron." Josh growled - the leader.

"We won't tell you where it is if you hurt her." Opal spoke up - this gained all of their attention, except Dianas - the less she knew the more Aaron had a chance of setting her free with her life.

"Meet us in the forest tonight." The new girl on Aarons right spoke up. Kali. Her eyes were an unnerving pink and her teeth were slightly pointed - more beast form than human. Aaron made sure Diana didn't look in her direction.

"Uh - " Opal shifted from one foot to the other - eyes zeroing in on her. "I kind of have to be present for this to work but - I've got homework due tomorrow that I really have to do." She rambled. Aarons eyebrows rose - hold on Diana nearly slipped. Opal cared for such mundane things even when faced with knife weilding monsters - one of which had a knife placed at a beautiful girls throat.

"Fine." Kali grounded out angrily. "Tomorrow night then."

"I can do that." Opal nodded, shy under the attention and awkwardness she had made the situation. "Now let Diana go."

"I think I'm going to hold onto her for a while." Aaron smirked, the knife gliding higher up the blondes throat.

"Look - she's stupid enough to volunteer herself when she winked at Aaron in English, she'll suffer whatevers coming her way." Kali spat out bitterly.

"Please, Aaron wishes hot girls like this winked at him." Aarons face nearly heated up as one of the youngest boys - John - spoke up smirking.

"You and I both know the Batasille don't like mortals - actually I'm pretty sure it's illegal." Josh smirked, staring Aaron challenging in the eyes.

"Not illegal, just frowned upon." Aaron replied in a deadly calm. Diana shifted in his hold to look behind them, but Aaron held her firmly. "I will escort her home - she will join us tomorrow night - for now she remains untouched."

Reluctantly the good guys agreed. Opal stared on in nerves as Aaron walked away with Diana. The other two of his Batasille companies stayed behind.

When they were out of veiw, Aaron let Diana walk by herself, hiding his blade away. "You are not to tell your parents or anyone about this, understand Diana."

"You're not going to hurt me pretty boy." She tested, taking a step towards him and wrapped her hand around his bicep.

"Unhand me mortal shit." He spat, ripping his arm from her grip.

"That isn't exactly the best pet name I've ever heard pretty boy." She snorted, walking beside him.

"How are you acting so casual? I just held a knife to your throat." He furrowed his brow at the stupidity of the mortal.

Most mortals tremble under such circumstances.

"I know you weren't going to hurt me - I mean you woud have done it already." She shrugged. "Plus a school parking lot is silly - you look like a smart guy, smart guys don't kill people in such stupid places. Maybe a ditch, side of the road - heck you could kill me tomorrow night in the forest." She ranted, listing off places that he could kill her. Each finger she held up made him want to kill her even more.

"Why are you telling me this?" He growled.

"Sorry - I'm just bouncing ideas off you - wonder where I could kill someone." The normal tone in her voice caught him off guard. The two then walking in silence. Until he spoke.

"Killing someone in the forest is a better call."

She smiled at him.

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