Chapter 23

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Diana jumped out of Aarons car, still excited about being let drive it - she had a hunch he didn't like people driving the black old car that he owned and cheerished - which made it all the more special

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Diana jumped out of Aarons car, still excited about being let drive it - she had a hunch he didn't like people driving the black old car that he owned and cheerished - which made it all the more special. Fiddling with the keys, she hummed to herself as the silence of the street had her nerves on edge. The sun had began to set and Aaron was off doing something probably incredibly stupid - that and she wanted to watch him fight.

Opening the door successfully, Diana quietly cheered before walking inside, the house dark and silent. Walking through the house - she knew she wasn't alone - but what struck her to keep acting like nothing was wrong was - because it wasn't Aaron.

She knew Aaron wasn't going to come and she needed a game plan and fast. So like the scary sadist person she was, Diana went to the kitchen smiling. Whoever it was following her - was inside the house. Based on Aarons reaction these people were bad, because he the big bad Batasille had frozen up and looked scared - so Diana knew she would just have to hold them off unless she accidentally killed somebody.

"I wonder if Aaron would like something to eat for when he gets back." She mumbled to herself, making it seem as if she really had no clue. So like any normal person, she pulled out a reasonably sized fry pan and smiled, turning on the stove.

Still no one. But they were getting closer, she heard a floor board creak.

So she continued to work, pulling out some carrots and onions. Then she started to cut.

Chop. A sweet and eerie sound that reverberated in an echo. The scuff of someones foot.

Chop. She saw their shadow in the moonlight, it was right behind her.

Chop. It walked around.

Chop. They both stood in the kitchen. Their figures still and silent.

"You guys want something to eat too?" Diana didn't spare them a glance as she popped a piece of cut carrot into her mouth. "Carrots are good for your eyesight you know." She smiled, still not looking at them.

They each took a step.

"I'm Diana by the way - Aarons slave, random human that kind of just exists." She introduced herself, continuing to smile as she cut the onion in half. "What's your guys names?" They didn't answer, but the one on her left let its claws scrape the back of one of the pots. "I hope you didn't scratch that." They were beside her in a flash - fast as anything.

But predictable. Diana already had the heated pan in her hand, smacking the one on her left in the head with the pan - causing their skin to sizzle - while spinning to jam the knife into the shoulder of the other one, both roaring in pain.

Diana stared at the knife as they both took a step back. "Oh my golly gosh! That knife is full on inside you... I think I'm going to pass out. I've never stabbed someone before." She rambled, still holding the pan. "Just full on in your shoulder - oh gross don't pull it out." She cringed as the knife was slowly pulled out of his shoulder.

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